"Covenant Keepers", the youth ministry of the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church of Singapore (our sister church), has just published issue #34 of "Salt Shakers" (September 2015),their youth magazine.
Once again the "SS" is packed with interesting and edifying articles, and our PRC young people especially are invited and encouraged to read it. Below you will find a note from the "SS" Committee introducing the contents of this issue and images of the cover and table of contents.
Dear Beloved Readers,
The e-copy of Salt Shakers Issue 34 has arrived! The committee is thankful to God for the continued publication of this Reformed young people's magazine.We pray that wherever you may be reading Salt Shakers, you may be nourished and edified! Many thanks to all our writers for their hard work and contributions.
Blessings in Christ,
Chua Lee Yang
on Behalf of the Salt Shakers Committee
You are
encouraged to visit the
"Salt Shakers" webpage where you will find
a downloadable e-copy for your reading and spiritual growth. Or you may find the
full copy attached here in pdf form.