Missions of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America

New Issue of "Salt Shakers" Magazine - June 2017

SS 43 May 2017 Page 1"Covenant Keepers", the youth ministry of the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church of Singapore (our sister church), has just released the June 2017 issue of "Salt Shakers" (#43),their youth magazine.

The June 2017 issue of "SS" is once again filled with interesting and profitable articles, and our PRC young people especially are invited and encouraged to make it part of their reading content.

Below you will find a note from the "SS" Committee introducing the contents of this issue and images of the cover and table of contents. The entire issue is also attached here in pdf form.

Beloved Readers,

The Salt Shakers Committee is pleased to publish Issue 43 of Salt Shakers! We apologise that this issue comes behind schedule. We are thankful to all our writers for their excellent contributions!
This issue contains the following articles:
Lest We Forget (III) - Aaron Lim
Scripture's Covenant Youth (VI): Moses - Prof. Herman Hanko
Are Unbelievers in God's Image? (I) - Rev. Angus Stewart
Dare to Stand: Bold Against Asherah - Stephen Regnerus
Space: The World Beyond Earth - Elisa Chew
Media Piracy: A Dire Temptation of Our Day - Dn. Cornelius Boon
Interview With Rev. Emmanuel Singh (II) - Salt Shakers Committee
Our Earthly Labours - Samuel Wee
Tolerate Thy Neighbour As Thyself? - Pastor Andrew Lanning
The Good Steward - Ivan Chew
Christian Denominations (II): Division in the Old Testament Church - Rev. Wilbur Bruinsma
We pray you may be edified by the articles in this issue - and urge you to remember to pass the salt!
Pro Rege,
Chua Lee Yang, on behalf of the Salt Shakers Committee
SS 43 May 2017 Page 2
Last modified on 06 July 2017

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