Missions of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America

New Salt Shakers Magazine - November 2018

"Covenant Keepers", the youth ministry of the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church of Singapore (our sister church), has now released the November 2018 issue of "Salt Shakers" (#52),their youth magazine.

The NOVEMBER 2018 issue of "SS" is once again filled with interesting and instructive articles, and our PRC young people especially are encouraged to make it part of their reading content.

Below you will find a note from the "SS" Committee introducing the contents of this issue and images of the cover and table of contents. The entire issue is also attached here in pdf form.

SS 50 Dec 2018

Beloved readers,

In God's providence, we have been brought through another year, one closer to the return of our Lord. What roads have we traveled and what choices have we made in the last twelve months?

Where shall the Lord lead us in the year to come? By God's grace we will do this or that, but hopefully reading Salt Shakers (and being edified therein) will be a high priority!

Our deep appreciation for all our writers' contributions and our utmost thanks to God for sustaining and sanctifying the work of wretched sinners. 
Inside the September issue:
Editorial: Choices Chua Lee Yang
Scripture's Covenant Youth (XIV): A Nameless Girl Prof. Herman Hanko
Love for God's People - Rev. Steven Key
Quit You Like Men (III) Woon Tian Loong
The Importance of Christian Education Rev. Joshua Engelsma
The Christian in the World (II) The Calling of a Covenant Mother - Dorcas Lee
Signs of Our Lord's Return: North Korean Relations Daniel Tang
Overtaken in a Fault Lim Yang Zhi
History of the PRCA's Missions in Foreign Fields - Rev. Daniel Kleyn
Fellowship with God (I): Grounded on Justification - Rev Nathan Langerak
The (Protestant Reformed) "Declaration of Principles" - Prof. David Engelsma
Book Review: Decisions, Decisions: How (and How Not) to Make Them - Chang Zhi Hui
Pro Rege,
Chua Lee Yang
On Behalf of the Salt Shakers Committee
Last modified on 19 December 2018

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