Greetings to our PRCA Congregations
Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord of the Harvest. Significant changes have taken place in our mission labors in the Philippines which we need to report to you.
Decision to Withdraw Our Missionaries
The Doon Council and the FMC decided in April 2023 to begin the process of withdrawing our missionaries from the Philippines. Synod 2023 expressed approval of this decision for these reasons:
"a. Since the PRCP has become more established, they want to carry out the mission work in the Philippines, rather than having our missionaries do this work. 1) The PRCP’s desire to perform their own mission work: “The testimony of the missionaries and the testimony of the recent 2023 delegation indicate that the PRCP desire to perform their own domestic mission work within the Philippines and do not desire the assistance of the PRCA in their mission work” (Agenda, p. 264). 2) At this time, SNO is not a viable mission field for our missionaries. Due to the presence of a dangerous communist group in SNO, it would not be safe for our missionaries to live there. In addition, the PRCP desire to take over this work in the future. 3) The impact of this for the missionaries: “The missionaries are no longer fulfilling many aspects of their mandate and call as missionaries” (Agenda, p. 264). Instead, the missionaries are now functioning more as visiting ministers by providing pulpit supply, teaching catechism, leading Bible studies, and helping the Classis periodically. This was not the reason they were called to the Philippines as missionaries.
b. The PRCP no longer intend to utilize the missionaries to provide seminary instruction to their prospective ministers. 1) Providing seminary instruction had become the primary work of the missionaries due to developments on the mission field. 2) However, the one student who was receiving instruction from the missionaries is no longer enrolled. In addition, the PRCP has made known their desire to utilize our denominational seminary moving forward. The Classis of PRCP wrote: “We are pondering now to send our future students in [sic] the PRTS in MI, USA [the Lord willing] just like what the Berean PRC did with Rev. Ibe ten years or so ago. The advantages we think outweigh the disadvantages” (Agenda, p. 286) 3) Thus, this important aspect of the work of the missionaries is no longer desired.
c. Doon PRC and the FMC have the calling to determine whether the missionary’s work should be continued. “During the initial term of service and subsequently, the calling church and the denominational mission committee shall regularly evaluate the missionary’s labors, primarily to help him develop the gifts necessary for mission work, and secondarily to determine whether the missionary’s work should be continued” (“Constitution of the Foreign Mission Committee,” VI.D.2; emphasis added).
d. A decision regarding the withdrawal of both missionaries from the field follows our normative practice of sending missionaries two by two into this particular field of labor (cf. Acts of Synod 2008, articles 57-58; Acts of Synod 2009, articles 35-37)."
Preparations and plans have been made, and also have been implemented, for our staggered withdrawal from the Philippines.
Decision to End Our Mission Work in the Philippines
In addition to its approval that our missionaries be withdrawn from the Philippines, Synod 2023 directed "the Doon council and the FMC to close the mission field in the Philippines and take the necessary steps to bring the work to completion." Here are the Synod's reasons:
"a. Since the PRCP has become more established, they want to carry out the mission work in the Philippines, rather than having our missionaries do this work. 1) The PRCP’s desire to perform their own mission work: “The testimony of the missionaries and the testimony of the recent 2023 delegation indicate that the PRCP desire to perform their own domestic mission work within the Philippines and do not desire the assistance of the PRCA in their mission work.” (Agenda, p. 264) 2) At this time, SNO is not a viable mission field for our missionaries. Due to the presence of a dangerous communist group in SNO, it would not be safe for our missionaries to live there. In addition, the PRCP desire to take over this work in the future. 3) The impact of this for the missionaries: “The missionaries are no longer fulfilling many aspects of their mandate and call as missionaries” (Agenda, p. 264). Instead, the missionaries are now functioning more as visiting ministers by providing pulpit supply, teaching catechism, leading Bible studies, and helping the Classis periodically. This was not the reason they were called to the Philippines as missionaries.
b. The PRCP no longer intend to utilize the missionaries to provide seminary instruction to their prospective ministers. 1) Providing seminary instruction had become the primary work of the missionaries due to developments on the mission field. 2) However, the one student who was receiving nstruction from the missionaries is no longer enrolled. In addition, the PRCP has made known their desire to utilize our denominational seminary moving forward. The Classis of PRCP wrote: “We are pondering now to send our future students in [sic] the PRTS in MI, USA [the Lord willing] just like what the Berean PRC did with Rev. Ibe ten years or so ago. The advantages we think outweigh the disadvantages.” (Agenda, p. 286) 3) Thus, this important aspect of the work of themissionaries is no longer desired.
c. There are still necessary steps that must be taken tobring the work to completion. These steps include, but are not limited to, ensuring that the ongoing work of the missionaries is properly transferred to the PRCP and determining who will manage the Philippine Book Fund (both inventory and funds) as well as the mission fieldwebsite."
According to this synodical decision, our foreign mission work in the Philippines is being brought to a fitting and brotherly conclusion.
Withdrawal of Rev. Smit and Family
We spent the latter half of April and most of May selling and disbursing our household possessions. What we wanted to keep (books and some household possessions), we put into 10 shipping boxes (20" x 20" x 20"). We expect that these things will arrive in Hudsonville, MI, by late July.
After our farewells in May to the PRCP congregations and our brethren in southern Negros Occidental, and after graduations at Faith Academy on June 2, we departed from Manila and travelled on a direct flight to Vancouver, B.C., Canada, on Monday, June 5. We spent a week in the Lynden, WA, area so that we could visit family and so that I could provide pulpit supply to the Lynden congregation on June 11. We arrived in Hudsonville, MI, on June 14, where we will remain in our interim housing during the summer months with our older children and siblings as we wait for the Lord to provide for me a place of labor in our churches in His good time.
Current Activities of Rev. and Mrs. Kleyn
Rev. and Mrs. Kleyn are currently doing the work of downsizing, selling items, and packing their remaining belongings and books.
Rev. Kleyn is preaching three Sundays a month in the vacant Provident PRC and one Sunday in Provident's outreach work in Guiguinto, Bulacan. He is teaching Provident's two catechism classes and leading its Wednesday Night Bible Study, which currently meets twice a month and is continuing its study in Acts.
The Kleyns are expected to depart from the Philippines in about mid-September, the Lord willing.
July Delegation of the Doon Council and FMC
For the brotherly closure of the mission work, a delegation from the Doon Council and FMC is being planned for a visit in the Philippines from July 21 to 31. This visit is intended to provide fellowship for the Kleyns, but it is also intended by the Doon Council and the FMC to express a formal and fitting "farewell" to our fellow saints in the PRCP and SNO. Mr. Jim Regnerus (Doon) and Mr. Brian Gritters (FMC) will serve on this delegation, and be accompanied by their wives and some of their daughters.
Southern Negros Occidental
Rev. Kleyn recently (June 19-20) travelled to SNO with Rev. V. Ibe, Elder Sonny Umali, and Elder Alann Penaverde in order to introduce the delegation of PRCP with the five pastors and several elders of the SNO congregations (Inayauan, Si-alay, Canturay, Maricalum (Sipalay), and Hinobaan). According to Rev. Kleyn's report, this visit seemed to be a good start to the transition of the work in SNO to the PRCP churches.
PRCP Congregations
The Contact Committee of the PRCP is currently working with the Contact Committee of the PRCA regarding pulpit supply needs in the latter part of 2023 and beyond. This possible pulpit supply for the two PRCP churches is very helpful since only Berean PRCis served by Rev. Vernon Ibe, while Provident PRC remains vacant. We pray that the Lord will also grant seminary students to the PRCP, and through their seminary training, faithful pastors. We commend the PRCP to the grace and Word of our God.
Synod 2023 thanked the current and former missionaries (Revs. A. Spriensma, D. Holstege, R. Smit, and D. Kleyn) as well as their wives and families for their selfless and dedicated labors over the years in the Philippines. In expressing thanks for the fruit that the Lord brought through our laborers, Synod echoed Scripture: “Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man? I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.” (1 Corinthians 3:5-6)
Synod also thanked the FMC and the Doon PRC for their diligent labors for the past 22 years in the Philippines. We, too, express our sincere thanks for their faithful and persevering labors.
We also pray that the Lord in His mercy will guide our churches soon into another foreign field of labor in the areas, as designated by Synod, under the oversight of the FMC: Mexico, The Caribbean, Central and South America, Africa, and Asia (including the Middle East).
While we pray that the Lord's kingdom may come, may He grant us the grace and wisdom to be prepared for the privilege to serve Him through our calling churches and missionaries in another place in the Lord's harvest field (Mark 16:19-20).
In His Service and in Your Behalf,
Rev. Richard J. Smit and Family
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