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Workbook for New Testament History for Juniors

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Workbook for New Testament History for Juniors
Updated: 2013-03-02 Size: 99 KB Downloads: 3118



Name:  _________________________________

Lesson 1

  1. Zacharias was ________________________ in the _________________ of the Lord when an _______________ appeared to him and told him that Elisabeth would have a __________, whose name shall be called ___________________ (Luke 1:5-13).
  2. From Luke 1:15 we learn that John the Baptist would be __________________ in the sight of the Lord; that he would drink neither __________ nor ________________________ and would be filled with the __________________________ even from his mother’s womb.
  3. When Zacharias came out of the temple, he could not _________________ to the people, and they perceived that he had seen a __________________ in the temple (Luke 1:22).
  4. Shortly after this the angel ___________________ was sent unto the city of _____________ named _____________________, to a virgin whose name was __________ (Luke 1:26, 27).
  5. In Luke 1:59, 60 we read that the neighbors wanted to call John the Baptist ____________________ after the name of his ___________________, but Elisabeth said, “Not so; but he shall be called ____________.”
  6. In Luke 1:76 John is called the _______________________________________________; for he shall go before the face of the Lord to ______________________________.

Name:  __________________________________

Lesson 2

  1. Joseph and Mary, who were from the city of _________________________, in Galilee, went to ________________________, the city of David, to be taxed according to the decree issued by ______________________________ (Luke 2:1-4).
  2. A _________________________________________________________________ appeared to the shepherds to tell them of the birth of Christ.  Quote the song of the angels in Luke 2:13, 14:  “__________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________.”
  3. The child who was born to Mary was called ______________ because __________________ ___________________________________________________ (Matthew 1:21).  He also is called ______________________ which means ___________________________________ (Matthew 1:23).
  4. When the wise men found Jesus, they ______________________ and __________________ Him, and presented unto Him gifts of _______________, ____________________________, and __________________ (Matthew 2:11).
  5. When Jesus returned from Egypt, He lived in _______________________, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, “______________________________________ _____________________________” (Matthew 2:23).
  6. Luke 2:51 and 52 tell us that Jesus was ________________________ to His parents and that He increased in _________________ and _________________ and in __________________ with God and man.

Name:  _________________________________

Lesson 3

  1. Pick out the verses from Malachi 4 that speak of John the Baptist and copy them below (see also Luke 1:17).  ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
  2. When the people asked John the Baptist what they should do, he told them (Luke 3:11):  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. John told the publicans to “Exact no more than ____________________________________ ______________________.”  To the soldiers he said, “Do violence to __________________, neither accuse any ______________; and be content with your __________” (Luke 3:13, 14).
  4. When certain ____________________ and ______________________ from Jerusalem came to John the Baptist, he told them that he was not the ________________ (John 1:19, 20).
  5. Give the names of the disciples of Christ who are mentioned in John 1:40-50.  __________________________ 




Name:  ______________________________________

Lesson 4

  1. Quote the words of Jesus in Matthew 3:15 that show that it was necessary for Jesus to be baptized:  “_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________.”
  2. When Jesus was baptized in the Jordan, the __________________ were opened unto Him, and He saw the _________________________________ descending like a ______________, and lighting upon Him:  and lo, a ____________________ from heaven, saying:  “__________________________________________________________________ ______________________________” (Matthew 3:16, 17).
  3. The first temptation took place in the _____________________________.  Satan wanted Jesus to change ______________________ into bread.  Jesus’ answer was:  “____________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________” (Matthew 4:1-4).
  4. The second temptation took place on a ____________________ of the __________________.  The devil said to Jesus, “If thou be the _______________________, cast thyself down:  for it is written, he shall give his _________________ charge concerning thee:  and in their _______________ they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy _______________ against a stone.”  Jesus’ answer was:  “It is written again, _____________ ___________________________________________________________” (Matthew 4:5-7).
  5. In the third temptation the devil took Jesus up into an exceeding ______________________.  He promised to give Jesus ____________________________________ if Jesus would ___________________________________.  Jesus’ answer was:  “Get thee hence, ________________:  for it is written, Thou shalt ____________________ the Lord thy __________, and him ____________ shalt thou __________________” (Matthew 4:8-10).
  6. After the temptations, ________________ came and _________________________ unto Jesus (Matthew 4:11).

Name:  ________________________________

Lesson 5

  1. The brother of Simon Peter was ___________________.  The two sons of Zebedee were _________________ and _________________.  Before these men became disciples of Jesus, their occupation was _____________________ (Matthew 4:18-22).  When Jesus called them, they ___________________________ left their ______________ and _________________ Him (Matthew 4:20).
  2. Jesus attended a __________________ in Cana of Galilee.  His ___________________ and His ____________________ were also there.  At this time Jesus performed His first miracle, in which He changed _______________ into ______________ (John 2:1-11).
  3. Quote the words Jesus spoke to His mother at the wedding feast in Cana as found in John 2:4:  “______________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________.”
  4. In Jerusalem, when Jesus drove out of the temple those who bought and sold animals, He said to them:  “______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________” (John 2:16).
  5. To the Jews who asked Jesus for a sign of His authority, the Lord replied:  “______________ _____________________________________________” (John 2:19).  By these words Jesus referred to the _______________________________ (John 2:21).
  6. Fill in the missing words in this text:  (John 3:14, 15).  “And as __________________ lifted up the ___________________ in the ______________________________, even so must the ___________________________________ be lifted up:  that ______________________ believeth in him should not _________________, but have ________________________.”

Name:  ______________________________

Lesson 6

  1. When Jesus went through _____________________ (John 4:4), He met and talked with a woman near the city of _____________, where _________________ well was (John 4:5, 6).  In His conversation with this woman, Jesus told her that “_________ is a ____________:  and they that worship him must worship him in _______________ and in ______________” (John 4:24).  He also told her plainly that He was the _________________ (John 4:25, 26).
  2. A certain ______________________ whose son was sick at _____________________ came and asked Jesus to heal his son when Jesus was in __________ of ____________________ (John 4:46, 47).  Without going to the city where the sick boy was, Jesus healed him.  The fruit of this miracle was that the _______________________ and his _________________ believed (John 4:53).
  3. In the synagogue of _____________________ Jesus stood up and read from the ________ of the prophet _________________ (Luke 4:16, 17).  When he had finished, He told the people in the synagogue, “___________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________” (Luke 4:21).
  4. Those in the synagogue were filled with ___________ and tried to ______________ Jesus (Luke 4:28, 29).  Jesus, however, passed through the _______________ of them and went on His ________________ (Luke 4:30).
  5. When Jesus taught in ___________________ on the Sabbath day, the people were ______________________ at His doctrine; for His ____________ was with ____________ (Luke 4:31, 32).
  6. Quote Jesus’ answer to the people who asked Him to remain in the city of Capernaum  (Luke 4:43):  “____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________.”

Name:  __________________________

Lesson 7

  1. The enemies of Jesus were angry with Him and tried to kill Him because He ate with __________________ and ___________________ (Luke 5:30).  He healed the sick on the __________________, and said that _______ was His _________________, making Himself ______________ with God (John 5:18).
  2. Jesus healed a lame man at the pool of _____________________ who had been sick for ___________ years (John 5:1-5).
  3. List the twelve disciples (Luke 6:14-16; Matthew 10:2-4):

      ______________________________      ______________________________

      ______________________________      ______________________________

      ______________________________      ______________________________

      ______________________________      ______________________________

      ______________________________      ______________________________

      ______________________________      ______________________________

  1. Complete these beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-9):
  2. “Blessed are the poor in spirit:  ____________________________________________.”
  3. “Blessed are they that mourn:  _____________________________________________.”
  4. “Blessed are the meek:  ___________________________________________________.”
  5. “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness:  _________________ _______________________________________.”
  6. “Blessed are the merciful:  ________________________________________________.”
  7. “Blessed are the pure in heart:  _____________________________________________.”
  8. “Blessed are the peacemakers:  _____________________________________________ _____________________________.”
  9. Read Matthew 7:24-26 and then complete the following:  One who ________________ and ___________________ Jesus’ words is like a _______________ man who builds his house upon a rock.  One who hears Jesus’ sayings and _______________________ is like a foolish man who builds his house on the sand.
  10. When wicked Herod had John the Baptist ______________________ in prison, John’s _______________________ came and took his body and laid it in a ________________ (Mark 6:27, 29).

Name:  ____________________________

Lesson 8

  1. The disciples asked Jesus why He spoke in parables.  Jesus’ answer is found in Matthew 13:11, 13.  Fill in the blanks in this answer:  “Because it is given unto you to ___________ the _____________________ of the ____________________ of heaven, but to them it is ________________________,…”  Because they seeing ______________________; and ___________________ they hear not, neither do they _________________________.
  2. When Jesus upbraided the cities wherein most of His mighty works were done, because they ______________not, He said that Capernaum, which was exalted unto ___________, would be brought down to _________ (Matthew 11:20, 23) and that it would be more tolerable for the land of _____________ in the day of judgment than for her (Matthew 11:24).
  3. In His prayer found in Matthew 11:25-27, Jesus thanked His Father because He _________ the things of the Kingdom from the _________ and __________________ and revealed them unto ___________________.
  4. A woman who had an issue of blood for ________ years came to Jesus and was healed by _____________________________________________________________ (Luke 8:43-48).  Jesus explained that her ______________ had made her whole (verse 48).
  5. Read Luke 8:22-25 and fill in the blanks:
  6. Jesus was ______________ in the boat when the storm arose.
  7. The disciples cried to Him, “Master, Master, we _____________________.”
  8. Jesus ________________ the wind and the raging of the water, and they ceased and there was a _________________.
  9. The disciples were amazed that even the __________ and the __________ obeyed Jesus.
  10. The daughter of Jairus was _______ years old (Luke 8:42).  When it was told Jairus that she had died, Jesus said to him, “Fear not:  _____________ only, and she shall be made _________” (Luke 8:50).  ___________, ______________, and _________________ were the three disciples who were with Jesus when He raised her from the dead (Luke 8:51).

Name:  _______________________

Lesson 9

  1. Jesus fed a multitude of _______________ men, besides women and children, with ____ loaves and ___ fishes.  After they had eaten, the disciples gathered ___________________ ____________________ of fragments (Matthew 14:15-21).
  2. After this miracle Jesus sent His disciples away in a ___________, while He went up into a _________________ to pray.  During the night a ______________________________ arose.  Jesus came to the disciples, ______________________ on the sea.  When ____________ knew that it was Jesus, he also walked on the sea.  The Lord calmed the storm after which the disciples in the boat worshiped Him and said, “Of a truth thou art the __________________” (Matthew 14:22, 33).
  3. When Jesus refused to be made king, the multitude left Him, and He asked the disciples:  “Will ye also go away?”  Quote Peter’s answer (John 6:67-69):  “______________________ __________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________.”
  4. In John 6:70, 71 Jesus said that one of His disciples was a ______________.  He was speaking of ______________________________, who would ________________ Christ.
  5. In Decapolis Jesus healed a man who was _____________, and had an impediment in his _______________ (Mark 7:31-37).  Jesus charged them (put true or false in the following blanks):
  6. __________    That they should tell their friends about this.
  7. __________    That they should tell no one.
  8. __________    That they should tell as many as they could.
  9. The ________________, with the _______________, came to _______________ Jesus, asking Him to give them a ___________ from heaven.  Jesus told them that the only sign that would be given to them was the sign of ___________________________ (Matthew 16:1-5).

Name:  _________________________

Lesson 10

  1. Read Matthew 17:1-13 and fill in the following blanks:
  2. ___________, _____________, and ________________ were the three disciples with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration.
  3. _____________ and _____________ also appeared on the mount with Jesus.
  4. Peter wanted to make three ________________________ on the mount.
  5. Jesus’ _____________ shone as the _________ and His __________________ was white as the __________________.
  6. A voice out of the cloud said:  “This is my _____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________.”
  7. Read Matthew 17:14-21 and give the reason that the disciples could not cast out a devil from a certain boy:  __________________________________________________________
  8. In John 9:1-3 we read of Jesus healing a man who had been born blind.  The disciples thought that the reason for this blindness was that either ____ or his ________________ had sinned.  Jesus, however, explained that the reason this man was born blind was “that the ________________________ should be made manifest in him.”
  9. Fill in the missing words in these verses (John 10:11-14):  “I am the _________ __________:  the good shepherd _____________ his life for the _______________.  But he that is an ___________________ and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the ___________ coming, and _______________ the sheep.…  I am the ___________________ and _______________ my sheep, and am known of ___________________.”
  10. What did the wicked Jews say was the reason they sought to stone Jesus? (John 10:31-33)  _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

Name:  ____________________________

Lesson 11

  1. When Jesus came to Bethany, Lazarus had been in the grave ____ days already.  When she heard that Jesus was coming, __________________ went to meet Him, but ___________ remained in the house.  Jesus told Martha, “I am the ________________________ and the ____________:  he that ______________________ in me, though he were ____________, yet shall he _________________” (John 11:17-26).
  2. Quote the prophecy of Caiphas, the high priest, in John 11:49-51:  “___________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________.”
  3. Check the correct answer describing the commandment of the chief priests and Pharisees, which they gave concerning Jesus (John 11:57).
  4. __  They commanded that the people should kill Jesus.
  5. __  They commanded that they should help Jesus hide.
  6. __  They commanded that they should tell where Jesus was in order that they might take Him.
  7. A certain ruler came to Jesus with the question:  “Good Master, what shall I do to ________ ______________________________________?”  When Jesus told him to sell all that he had and distribute unto the poor, the ruler was very ______________, for he was very _________ (Luke 18:18-25).
  8. __________ days before the last Passover, Jesus came to ______________, where ________, ____________, and ________________ lived (John 12:1-3).  Many people came here not only to see Jesus but also to see _________________________ (John 12:9).

Name:  __________________________

Lesson 12

  1. Quote the verse out of Zachariah 9:1-10 that was fulfilled when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the back of a colt on Palm Sunday:  “____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________.”
  2. In the following passages we find some of the parables Jesus spoke that have to do with the final judgment.  Fill in the blanks:
  3. In Matthew 21:28-33 we find the parable of the __________ sons.
  4. In Matthew 21:33-44 we find the parable of a certain __________________________ who planted a _____________________.
  5. The parable of a ________________________ feast is found in Matthew 22:1, 2.
  6. In Matthew 25:1-14 we find the parable of the ten __________________.
  7. When the Pharisees and Herodians asked Jesus whether it was lawful to pay tribute unto Caesar, Jesus’ answer to them was (Matthew 22:21):  “__________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________.”
  8. Jesus said that the poor widow who cast a farthing into the treasury of the temple gave more than all the others because “they did cast in of their ___________________; but she of her __________________ did cast in _____________ that she had, even all her _____________” (Mark 12:44).
  9. Judas Iscariot, who was one of the _______________, agreed with the ________________ _____________________ to betray Jesus for ________________ pieces of silver (Matthew 26:14, 15).  Judas sought opportunity to betray Jesus ______________________________ _________________________________________ (Luke 22:6).

Name:  __________________________

Lesson 13

  1. After the celebration of the Lord’s Supper, Jesus told the disciples that they would all be offended because of Him that night.  How did Peter answer this? (Matthew 26:33)  “____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________.”
  2. In Gethsemane Jesus took with Him ______________ and the two sons of ____________ (Matthew 26:37).  Quote Jesus’ prayer in the garden from Matthew 26:39:  “___________ ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________.”
  3. When Jesus gave Himself up in the garden, He was taken first to ______________, who was the ___________________________ to Caiaphas the high priest (John 18:13).  Later He was sent ________________ unto Caiaphas (John 18:24), and from there He was taken to the hall of _________________ to be tried before ______________, the judge (John 18:28, 29).
  4. When Peter denied Jesus the third time, ________________________ the _________ crew, and Peter went out and __________________________________ (Matthew 26:74, 75).
  5. State whether the following are true or false:
  6. __________    The Sanhedrin said that Jesus was innocent (Matthew 26:65-67).
  7. __________    Pilate knew that Jesus was guilty (John 19:4-6).
  8. __________    Jesus told Pilate that His kingdom was not of this world (John 18:36).

Name:  ________________________

Lesson 14

  1. ______________, who was a __________________, carried the cross of Jesus (Luke 23:26).
  2. Quote the seven cross words found in these texts:
  3. Luke 23:34:  “____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________.”
  4. John 19:26, 27:  “_________________________________________________________ ____________________.”
  5. Luke 23:43:  “___________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________.”
  6. Matthew 27:46:  “_______________________________________________________”
  7. John 19:28:  “_________________________.”
  8. John 19:30:  “_____________________________________.”
  9. Luke 23:46:  “__________________________________________________________ __________________________.”
  10. At the time of Jesus’ death the _____________ of the temple was ____________ in twain from the ___________ to the _________________; and the __________________________ and the __________________________; and the ________________ were opened and many bodies of the saints which slept arose (Matthew 27:51, 52).
  11. The superscription on the cross of Jesus read:  “____________________________________ __________________________.”  It was written in ___ languages (Luke 23:38).
  12. Among those who watched the crucifixion was a group of ______________ including ______________________________, and ___________ the mother of James the less and of Joses, and _________________ (Mark 15:40).
  13. When the ___________________ saw what was done, he _______________ God, saying, “_________________________________________________________” (Luke 23:47).

Name:  _____________________________

Lesson 15

  1. The wicked chief priests and elders gave a large sum of __________________ to the soldiers and persuaded them to tell the story that the ___________________ came at _____________ and ______________ away the body of Jesus while they ____________ (Matthew 28:11-13).
  2. When the risen Lord first appeared to Mary Magdalene, she thought that He was the ____________________ (John 20:15).  When He made Himself known to her, He refused to let her ________________ Him, for He was not yet _______________ to His ____________ (John 20:17).  Mary went and told the ______________________ that she had seen the ___________________ (John 20:18).
  3. Jesus told Thomas to “Reach hither thy finger, and ____________ my ____________; and reach hither thy hand, and _______________ it into my _______________:  and be not ______________________, but ___________________” (John 20:27).
  4. One of the two travelers to Emmaus was ___________________ (Luke 24:18).  As they were talking together about the things which had happened, ________________ joined them.  At first they did not recognize Him, because their _______________ were holden that they should not _______________ Him.  When later He made Himself known to them, they __________ the same hour and returned to _________________ to tell the __________________ that they had seen Jesus (Luke 24:13-35).
  5. Jesus told the disciples to “Go ye into all the _______________, and preach the __________ to every _________________.  He that ___________________ and is baptized shall be saved; but he that __________________ not shall be ________________” (Mark 16:15, 16).

Name:  __________________________

Lesson 16

  1. Forty days after the resurrection, Jesus was ___________________ into heaven in the presence of His disciples.  A _______________ received Him out of their sight while they were on Mount ____________________ (Acts 1:9, 12).
  2. While the disciples waited for the promise of the Holy Spirit, they continued with one accord in _______________ and ________________________ (Acts 1:14).  During this time Peter persuaded the others to appoint another ____________________ in the place of Judas.  They appointed _____________________, who was numbered with the ____________________ (Acts 1:15-26).
  3. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit was accompanied by several signs.  They were the _________________ from heaven as of a _________________________________, the appearance of _______________________ like as of ______________, and the __________________ with other ______________________ as the Spirit gave them utterance (Acts 2:1-4).
  4. The apostle ___________________ preached the first sermon on Pentecost (Acts 2:14).  In his sermon he made plain that the things that happened on this day were the fulfillment of that which had been written by the prophet _____________ (Acts 2:14-16).  What verses of Joel 2 did Peter quote in Acts 2:17-21?  _____________________________
  5. When Peter’s audience asked him what they should do, Peter told them to “______________ and be __________________ every one of you in the name of ____________________ for the ____________________ of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the ___________ ______________.  For the _________________ is unto you, and to your ____________ and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall __________” (Acts 2:38, 39).
  6. The believers in the early church had all things in _________________; they sold their ___________________ and ________________ and parted to all, as every man had _____________ (Acts 2:44, 45).

Name:  __________________________

Lesson 17

  1. The man who was healed at the gate of the temple called ____________________ had been ____________ from his mother’s womb.  Day after day he asked ____________ of those who entered the temple.  When he asked an alms of Peter and John, Peter told him:  “____________ and _______________ have I none; but such as I have give I thee:  In the name of __________________ of _________________ rise up and walk” (Acts 3:1-6).
  2. Peter explained to the people that it was not by _________________ power or holiness that this man was healed but rather through ___________ in ____________ name (Acts 3:12, 16).
  3. Peter told the people that Moses had spoken of the Christ as a ______________ whom the Lord your God shall raise up unto you (Acts 3:22).  He also told them that “every soul, which will not hear that ________________, shall be _______________ from among the people” (Acts 3:23).
  4. The rulers of Israel were ___________________ that the apostles taught the people and ___________________ through Jesus the _________________ from the dead (Acts 4:2).  They put the apostles in ___________, and the next day they ___________________ them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of ________________.  When they had further ____________________ them, they let them go (Acts 4:3, 18, 21).
  5. Check the answer that best describes the apostles’ action after this (Acts 4:31):
  6. __  They were afraid of these rulers.
  7. __  They preached to the people in secret.
  8. __  They became more bold to preach the Word of God.
  9. A Levite who sold his ____________ and brought the money to the apostles was named ___________________, which means “The son of ______________________.”  Later this man went with the apostle Paul on his missionary journeys (Acts 4:36, 37).

Name:  _______________________________

Lesson 18

  1. What was the sin of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-5)?  Check the correct answer:
  2. __  They sold a certain piece of land they owned.
  3. __  They lied to the Holy Ghost.
  4. __  They kept back part of the money they received for the land.
  5. The apostles were again put in prison by the leaders of the people because many ________________ and __________________ were wrought by their hands among the people (Acts 5:12).  During the night the _________________ of the _______________ opened the _____________________ and brought them forth.  The angel told them to go and stand and ________________ in the ________________ to the people all the words of this life (Acts 5:19, 20).
  6. Gamaliel, who was a _________________ and a member of the Jewish council, advised the council to “_______________ from these men and let them _______________:  for if this counsel or this work be of ___________, it will come to _____________:  But if it be of __________, ye cannot _______________________ it” (Acts 5:34, 38, 39).
  7. Give the names of the seven deacons found in Acts 6:5:  _____________________________ __________________________________________________________________________.  These men were appointed because the Grecian ______________ were neglected (Acts 6:1).
  8. _________________, one of the deacons, did great ________________ and _____________ among the people (Acts 6:8).  The wicked Jews brought _____________________________, who accused him of speaking ____________________ words against the holy place and the _____________________ (Acts 6:13).
  9. Write out the prayer of Stephen in Acts 7:59, 60:  “__________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________.”

Name:  __________________________

Lesson 19

  1. In _______________ there was a _________________ whose name was ____________ (Acts 8:5, 9).  He wanted to buy the power of the ______________________, but Peter told him:  “Thy _____________ perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the __________ _________________ may be purchased with money.  Thou hast neither ____________ nor _____________ in this matter:  for thy _____________ is not _____________ in the sight of God” (Acts 8:18-21).
  2. The Ethiopian _______________, who was the treasurer of ________________, the queen of Ethiopia, had gone to Jerusalem to _________________.  On his return he was reading the prophet ________________, when _______________ joined him and preached unto him __________________ (Acts 8:27-30, 35).
  3. Saul went to Damascus to ______________________ the Christians there.  On the way he saw a _______________ from heaven and heard a _________________ saying unto him, “Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?”  ______________ and ______________, Saul said, “_______________, what wilt thou have me to do?”  Saul went on to Damascus, and for ______________ days he was without ____________ and neither did ____________ nor __________________ (Acts 9:1-9).
  4. Fill in the following:
  5. _________________ was sent to restore Saul’s sight (Acts 9:17).
  6. Saul preached that Christ is the Son of God in the ____________________ of Damascus (Acts 9:20).
  7. The ____________ in Damascus took counsel to kill Saul (Acts 9:23).
  8. Saul escaped from the city by being let over the wall in a ____________ (Acts 9:25).
  9. _________________ took Saul and brought him to the apostles in Jerusalem (Acts 9:27).
  10. At _______________ Peter healed a certain man named _______________, who had been sick of the ______________ for _____ years (Acts 9:32-35).
  11. At _______________ there was a woman named ________________ who was full of ___________________ and _____________________ which she did.  When she became sick and died, Peter was called, and he raised her from the dead.  The result of this miracle was that many ________________ in the ________________ (Acts 9:36-43).

Name:  ___________________________

Lesson 20

  1. What did certain of the brethren who thought it was wrong that Peter went to the Gentiles do and say after Peter explained his work (Acts 11:18)?  “______________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________.”
  2. The church at Jerusalem sent _________________ to Antioch (Acts 11:22).  He later went to _______________ to seek ______________.  Together they spent a whole year in Antioch, where the disciples were first called _______________________ (Acts 11:25, 26).
  3. About this time a certain prophet named __________________ prophesied that there would be a great ____________________ throughout all the _____________.  When the disciples heard this, they determined, every man according to his _________________, to send ___________________ unto the brethren in Judea (Acts 11:28, 29).
  4. ________________, a wicked king, killed _______________ the brother of John with the sword.  He also put _______________ in prison, intending to kill him after the days of  the feast (Acts 12:1-5).  God punished this wicked king by sending an ________________ to smite him and he was eaten of ________________ (Acts 12:23).
  5. When Peter was delivered from the prison by the _________________ of the Lord, he went to the house of _________________, the mother of John, whose surname was ___________, where many were gathered together ____________________ (Acts 12:7, 12).

Name:  _________________________

Lesson 21

  1. On the first missionary journey Paul and Barnabas crossed the isle of Cyprus unto ____________________, where they found a certain _____________, a false prophet, a ________________, whose name was _________________.  This man tried to turn _____________________________, the deputy of the country, from the faith (Acts 13:4-7).
  2. Fill in the blanks in these verses that record Paul’s words to this false prophet:  “O full of all _______________ and all ________________, thou child of the _______________, thou enemy of all _______________________, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord?  And now, behold, the _________________ of the Lord is upon thee, and thou shalt be ______________, not seeing the sun for a season” (Acts 13:10, 11).
  3. In Antioch of Pisidia the _______________ besought Paul to preach unto them when the _________________ had gone out of the synagogue.  The result of this was that the Jews were filled with ___________________ and spake against those things that were spoken by Paul, ___________________________ and _____________________ (Acts 13:42-45).
  4. In Iconium the apostles spoke in the _______________________ of the Jews.  The _______________________ Jews, however, stirred up the ________________, so that the multitude of the city was divided; and part held with the _____________ and part with the _____________________ (Acts 14:1-4).
  5. At Lystra a great miracle was performed of healing a man who was _________________ in his feet, who had been a __________________ from his mother’s womb.  When the people saw this miracle they thought that Paul and Barnabas were _____________.  They called Barnabas _______________, and Paul they called ________________, because he was the chief ______________________ (Acts 14:8-12).
  6. When the apostles visited the churches on their return from their first missionary journey, they ordained _____________ in every church, and ______________ with ______________, commending them to the Lord on whom they ___________________ (Acts 14:23).

Name:  ________________________

Lesson 22

  1. At Troas Paul had a ____________ in which he saw a man of ________________________, who prayed him, saying, “____________________________________________________.”  He then immediately went to Macedonia, for he knew that the Lord had called him to _________________________________ unto them there (Acts 16:9, 10).
  2. In Philippi the apostles went out on the Sabbath day to the __________________, where ___________________ was wont to be made.  There they spoke unto the __________.  ___________________, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, heard them, and the Lord __________________ her heart (Acts 16:12-14).
  3. When Paul cast out an evil spirit from a girl in Philippi, her masters became angry because they saw that the _____________ of their _____________ was gone (Acts 16:19).  When they brought the apostles to the magistrates, they said that they __________________ their city and taught customs which are not ________________ for us to receive.  The magistrates beat the apostles and cast them into __________________ (Acts 16:20-24).
  4. While in prison Paul and Silas ______________ and ___________ praises unto God (Acts 16:25).  During the night there was a great __________________________, and all the doors of the prison were ____________________, and the ______________ of the prisoners were loosed (Acts 16:26, 27).
  5. What did the apostle say to the Philippian jailor when the jailor came trembling and fell down before him (Acts 16:29-32)?  “_____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________.”
  6. Quote Paul’s words to the magistrates who commanded that the apostle be set free (Acts 16:37):  “___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________.”

Name:  _____________________________

Lesson 23

  1. Acts 17:11 says that the believers in Berea were more ______________ than those in Thessalonica, in that they _____________________ the word with all readiness of mind and ___________________ the ___________________ daily, whether those things were so.
  2. Paul’s spirit was stirred in him when he came to ___________________ because he saw the city _______________ given to __________________ (Acts 17:16).
  3. In Athens Paul stood in the midst of __________________ and preached unto the ___________________________.  Some, however, believed, among whom was _____________________, the Areopagite, and a woman named ______________ and others (Acts 17:21, 22, 32-34).
  4. Answer the following questions concerning Paul’s stay in Corinth:
  5. ______________ and__________________ were tentmakers in Corinth (Acts 18:2, 3).
  6. Paul told the Jews here that henceforth he was going to the ____________ (Acts 18:6).
  7. _______________ was the chief ruler of the synagogue (Acts 18:8).
  8. ______________ was the deputy of Achaia who drove the Jews from his judgment seat and told them that he would not judge matters of their law (Acts 18:12).
  9. _________________ was beaten by the Greeks before the judgment seat (Acts 18:17).
  10. ________________ was a Jew who was born at _________________.  He was an __________________ man and mighty in the _________________.  At Ephesus he was instructed by Priscilla and Aquila.  He then went into Achaia and mightily ____________ the Jews, showing by the Scriptures that _____________ was ________________ (Acts 18:24-28).

Name:  _________________________

Lesson 24

  1. During Paul’s stay in Ephesus he spent _________ years teaching in the school of ____________________.  During this time God wrought special ________________ by the hands of Paul (Acts 19:9-11).
  2. In Ephesus many believers who before had used curious arts brought their ______________ and ________________ them.  The value of these books was ________________________ pieces of silver (Acts 19:18-20).
  3. ______________________ was a silversmith in Ephesus who made silver shrines for _________________, an idol.  He stirred up much people against Paul, so that there was an uproar in the city.  For _______ hours the people cried out:  “Great is _________________ of the __________________.”  Finally the people were quieted by the _________________, who told them that if Demetrius and the others had anything against the apostles, the ________________ is open and there are _____________:  let them _______________ one another (Acts 19:24-41).
  4. At Troas Paul raised a young man named _________________________ from the dead.  He had fallen ________________while Paul preached and fell from the ______________ loft (Acts 20:9-11).
  5. At Miletus Paul sent to __________________ and called the ______________ of the church (Acts 20:17).  When he told them that he was going to Jerusalem and would see them no more, they all ___________ sore, and _____________ on Paul’s neck, and ______________ him (Acts 20:36-38).
  6. Quote the answer of Paul to those who tried to keep him from going to Jerusalem (Acts 21:13):  “__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________.”

Name:  ___________________________

Lesson 25

  1. When Paul was a captive in Jerusalem, a group of more than __________ men took an oath that they would not _______ or ____________ until they had _____________ Paul.  Paul’s __________________ heard of this and came and told Paul. Paul had him brought to the chief _________________ who, when he knew this, had Paul brought under heavy guard to _____________________________ (Acts 23:12-23).
  2. Quote the words of king Agrippa to Paul when he was asked whether he believed the prophets (Acts 26:28).  “____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________.”
  3. Paul was shipwrecked on the island of _________________.  The chief man of this island was _______________, whose ___________________ was healed by Paul of a fever and bloody flux.  On this island the people thought that Paul was a __________ when he shook a poisonous viper from his arm without suffering any harm (Acts 28:1-8).
  4. Paul dwelt _________ whole years in his own hired ______________ in Rome and received all that came to him, __________________ the kingdom of God and teaching those things which concern the ____________________________________________ with all _______________________, no man forbidding him” (Acts 28:30, 31).
  5. Quote the words of Paul in II Timothy 4:8:  “_____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________.”
Last modified on 02 April 2013

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