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Making Our Calling and Election Sure

Are you sure that you are an elect child of God? No, the question is not whether you made it sure in God's mind. When in II Peter 1:10 we read, "Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall," this refers to our minds, not God's.

We cannot give God information which He does not eternally have. We cannot move Him to make a decision concerning our salvation. To mention that is to present a god over whom we have control. It is to deny that He is Jehovah, which name literally means I AM. And because He is Jehovah we can not change His mind, or bring into it something that is not eternally there. With us it is so different. We are sure that aches and pains, misery and grief are all around us, and that death is coming for us. What we as sinners deserve is everlasting torment in hell because of our guilt before God. We know that there are elect children of God, because the Scriptures from Genesis through Revelation teach us that there are such. Beginning in Genesis 3:15 God made known that there are two seeds, those of the devil, and those of Christ. Our calling is to give diligence to make it sure in our minds that God called us to spiritual life and makes us know our eternal election. As noted yesterday, we must walk as Christ walked. Then we will receive the assurance that we are by God called to be His children, those for whom Christ died.

Read repeatedly, and study God's Word for this truth. Walk in love toward God, keeping His commandments. Seek the comfort and peace of mind that Christ died for your sins, by finding yourself walking here below as Christ did. Then you will make your calling and election sure in your mind, and you will find the peace that passeth all understanding.

Read: II Peter 1:1-11

Meditations on the Heidelberg Catechism

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
Ezekiel 23:1-49 
Hebrews 10:18-39 
Psalm 109:1-31 
Proverbs 27:13


Quote for Reflection:

"What is the highest perfection of Christians? How is that perfection attained? Full manhood is found in Christ; for foolish men do not, in a proper manner, seek their perfection in Christ. It ought to be held as a fixed principle among us, that all that is out of Christ is hurtful and destructive." ~ John Calvin on Ephesians 4:13

Last modified on 10 November 2018

Additional Info

  • Date: 11-November

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