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That Perfect Peace

There is that which has never been realized by man, and never will be accomplished by man, but is God's perfect gift to us as believers. That gift is peace, perfect peace that will never end.

The very first child to be born of man killed his first brother. And Scripture throughout speaks of wars and predicts more of them. All these wars are here because man began to fight against God. Satan got Adam and Eve to go against God by doing what He had forbidden them. World War I and World War II are only pictures of what is coming. But a wonderful and blessed truth is presented to us in Isaiah 26:3 . There we read, "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee." Here is THE peace that passeth all understanding. Here is the perfect and everlasting peace. For here is peace with God. Then all is well. Where there is no peace with God, there is no peace among men. Of that we can be sure.

It is because God sent His own Son into our flesh, so that He could blot out our sins and remove all our guilt, by His life of perfect obedience and His death and suffering of hellish agony which we deserve, that today and everlastingly we can have peace with God, and will live together in perfect peace in His coming Kingdom of Heaven.

Having peace with God we have no reason to be afraid of what happens in this world wherein we live now. It all is due to what God does to realize the day when His Son returns and brings forth a world of perfect peace, a world wherein all men love God and reveal this in love to one another.

Trusting in God means that we accept Him as God alone. It also means that we have no doubt as to whether He will keep His promises. It means that we are sure all is well, because He is the almighty, ever-faithful God, Who has already brought His Son to this perfect peace to bring us there.

Read: Isaiah 26

Meditations on the Heidelberg Catechism

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
Ezekiel 24 , Ezekiel 25 , Ezekiel 26:1-21 
Hebrews 11:1-16 
Psalm 110:1-7 
Proverbs 27:14


Quote for Reflection:

"The Christian is the only enviable person in the world. The seeming blessings of evil men are God’s heavy curses; and the smart of the stripes is a favor too good for them to enjoy. To judge wisely of our condition, it is to be considered, not so much how we fare, as upon what terms. If we stand right with heaven, every cross is a blessing; and every blessing a pledge of future happiness. If we be in God’s disfavor, every one of his benefits is a judgment; and every judgment makes way for perdition. Instead of envying sinners in their successful wickedness, dread their character more than their end, and rejoice that your Father never counted the poor vanities of this world a worthy portion for you." ~ Charles Bridges

Last modified on 11 November 2018

Additional Info

  • Date: 12-November

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