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What Really Counts

In many ways people do not agree. Some people prefer this color, and the taste of this kind of fruit. Others prefer a different color for a coat or dress, and this food rather than that. For some, the more money they have the richer they think that they are.

But in his wisdom, wealthy Solomon, as moved by God, wrote in Proverbs 15:16 , "Better is little with the fear of the Lord than great treasure and trouble therewith." The best thing for us to have is the fear of God. Earthly treasures can bring joy to our flesh. But the fear of God assures us of everlasting blessedness in God's kingdom. Now, by fear of the Lord Solomon means faith, reverence, respect for God. The most precious possession we can have in this life is trust and confidence in God as our heavenly Father, Who sent His Son to earn our salvation by His cross.

Yes, we become rich by losing! We must lose all our guilt. Every sin must be blotted out, or we go to everlasting woe. All the gold and silver in the world, all the houses and lands, cannot remove the punishment of ONE sin! In fact, the more earthly goods we have, the more we are tempted to forget God, to walk in sin, and to have no thought for salvation. What counts is what we have in our hearts, not in our pockets or bank account. What is most precious is faith, hope, and love of God. And all the material possessions which we have in this life should be used to cause our faith to grow and to be strengthened. The material must be used to the strengthening of our spiritual life. What counts is what is in Christ and what brings us to live with Him and to serve God perfectly.

Thank God for that spiritual gift of God's grace: faith in Him. And use material things for a deeper and richer enjoyment of the spiritual wealth that Christ earned for us.

Read: Matthew 6:19-34 .

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
Ezekiel 27 , Ezekiel 28:1-26 
Hebrews 11:17-31 
 Psalm 111:1-10 
Proverbs 27:15-16


Quote for Reflection:

"… as we stand by the gap caused by the fall and disobedience of man, and discover that only Immanuel fits into the gap to save us, we know that divine wisdom so designed all things that even our sin must serve the purpose of opening the way for the coming of the Son of God in the flesh. O the depth of riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways past finding out!" – Triple Knowledge by Herman Hoeksema (LD 7, pg. 260)

Last modified on 13 November 2019

Additional Info

  • Date: 13-November

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