
Rev.R.Smit Accepts Call to First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI; New Trio for Missionary to the Philippines

GrtCommissionMapOn Sunday, February 8, 2015 Rev.R.Smit (missionary to the Philippines) informed First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI that he had accepted their call to serve as her next pastor, following the retirement of Rev.J.Slopsema last summer.

We rejoice with the First PRC congregation and with the Smits in God's provision of a new place of labor for them. May the Lord provide them with special grace as they finish their labors in the Philippines and prepare to "come over and help" the saints in First PRC.

Also on this Sunday, the Council of Doon PRC announced to the congregation a new trio from which to call a missionary to the Philippines, following the recent decline of this call from Rev.W.Langerak (Jan.25, 2015). This second missionary will be for the replacement of Rev.R.Smit, who along with his family plans to return to the States in March of this year.

The trio consists of Revs.A.Brummel (Heritage PRC, Sioux Falls, SD), N.Decker (Trinity PRC, Hudsonville, MI), and D.Holstege (1st PRC, Holland, MI).

The congregation of Doon plans to call on Sunday, February 15, 2015.

Last modified on 08 February 2015

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