
PR Churches (USA & Canada)

Rev.G. Eriks Declines Call to the Philippines - Oct.25, 2015

gjeriks 2013On Sunday, October 25, 2015, it was announced in Hudsonville (MI) PRC and in Doon PRC, calling church for the PRC mission work in the Philippines, that Rev.G. Eriks (pastor of Hudsonville PRC) had declined the call extended to him on October 5 to serve as second missionary to the Philippine mission field.

Our prayer is that God may grant peace and contentment to the Eriks, Doon PRC, and the Kleyns (currently serving in the Philippines), and that He who gives grace to His servants to labor where He will have them labor will also grant us a servant to labor in that field - in His time and way.

May we continue to commit that need to the Lord in prayer, trusting in His perfect wisdom.


Updates from Pittsburgh PR Fellowship - September 2015

Pittsburgh PRC group 2015Mandy Tolsma is the new "mission reporter" from Pittsburgh, PA. In her own words, "...It is my new job to send out information regarding the Pittsburgh Mission Field. I am going to send out monthly updates on what is going on in our Field and in our community so that we might encourage people to come visit the field!"

Mandy provides the following news update for September 2015 on the Pittsburgh PR Fellowship (also attached in pdf form):

  • We welcomed a new baby in our group. Pete and Megan Cnossen were blessed with a baby boy on September 2. David Alan was welcomed home by his parents and 2 sisters, Nelle and Clara, and his brother, Tyler.
  • We celebrated the Lord’s Supper on September 13. Rev. DenHartog and Elder Ed Reitsma and Deacons Mike Hanko and Jeff DeVries came as a delegation from Southwest PRC. The elders were here to oversee the administering of the Lords Supper and conduct Family Visitation. The Elders and Deacons met with our Steering Committee. This Delegation comes to Pittsburgh twice a year.
  • We welcomed many guests from our other Protestant Reformed Churches this month. They included:
  • Brad and Trisha Bruinsma and family visiting from Grandville PRC and staying for Labor Day weekend.
  • Becca Joostens, Sarah Joostens, and Laura DeVries from Grandville, PRC who stayed the weekend on their way to Washington, DC.
  • Max and Virginia Moore from our Loveland, CO congregation on their way to Virginia to see their daughter.
  • The first weekend in October we welcomed Dan and Anna Mae Bodbyl from Grandville, PRC and Al and Sam VanDyke from Trinity PRC who stayed the weekend before heading to Washington, D.C.
  • Mike and Helen Cnossen from Hudsonville, PRC were here October 4 to witness the baptism of their grandson, David Alan.
  • Steve Kuiper was the delegate from Southwest PRC who came to oversee the sacrament of baptism.
  • We rejoiced with Pete and Megan Cnossen and witnessed the baptism of their new baby boy on October 4.

Ordination Service of Rev.R. Barnhill, New Pastor of Peace PRC

RBarnhill Synod 2015 1On Friday evening October 9, 2015, Pastor-elect Ryan Barnhill (2015 PRC Seminary graduate) was ordained into the ministry of the Word and sacraments in the PRC and installed as pastor of Peace PRC (Lansing, IL), which had called him on July 27.

Prof.B. Gritters of the PRC Seminary led the service, preaching from Exodus 18:13-26 under the theme "Jethro's Ecclesiastical Wisdom."

Eight PRC ministers were present for the laying on of hands (see pictures below).

RBarnhill Ordination 1
The laying on of hands, part of the ordination ceremony of Rev.R. Barnhill.

RBarnhill Ordination 3

PRC ministers present for the ordination service. Back row (l-r): Prof.R.Dykstra, Rev.N.Langerak, Rev.D. Lee, Rev.R. Van Overloop. Front row: Rev.S.Houck, Prof.B. Gritters, Rev.R. Barnhill, Rev.J. Mahtani, Rev.G. Eriks.

After the service, a brief welcome program was held, with special numbers sung by the children and the choir (Picture below).

RBarhill Ordination 4

We rejoice with Peace PRC in God's provision of a new pastor to serve in her midst, and we rejoice together as a denomination in the ordination of this new servant of the Lord. May God richly bless Rev.Barnhill's labors in Peace PRC and beyond, granting him a faithful and fruiful ministry.


Rev.G. Eriks Receives Call to Serve as Second Missionary to the Philippines

gjeriks 2013At her congregation meeting on Monday evening, October 5, 2015, Doon PRC voted to extend a call to Rev. G. Eriks (Hudsonville, MI PRC) to serve as second missionary to the Philippines.

Currently, Rev. D.Kleyn and his wife Sharon are serving in that country.

May the Lord give clear direction to Rev.Eriks as he considers this weighty call. Let us remember him and his wife and family in prayer as he seeks to know the Lord's will.


Reformed Witness Hour Messages for October 2015

WBruinsma 2First PRC of Grand Rapids, MI and the Reformed Witness Hour Committee announce the messages scheduled for October 2015 on the RWH radio program.

Rev. W.Bruinsma, missionary-pastor of the Pittsburgh (PA) PR Fellowship will be delivering a new series of messages on the book of Jude.

You are encouraged to take in these timely messages and to let others know about them too. Help spread the word about the Reformed Witness Hour!

Below is the schedule of messages, which you will also find attached in pdf form. For stations and time of broadcast, visit the RWH website, where you may also listen to and download past messages from the archive section.

Oct 2015 Flyer Page 1


New Trio for Calling Second Missionary to the Philippines

Mark1615 1The Council of Doon PRC, calling church for the PRC mission field in the Philippines, announces a new trio from which her congregation will vote to call a second missionary to labor in the field alongside Rev. D. Kleyn and his wife Sharon.

The trio consists of Rev.G.Eriks (Hudsonville PRC), C.Griess (Calvary PRC, Hull, IA), and B.Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA). The congregation plans to call on Sunday, Oct.4.

For information on the field and the work going on in that part of the world, visit this page or the Kleyn's blog.

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