
PRC and Sister-Church News for the Week of February 3, 2019

2 corinthians 3 18On this fifth Lord's Day of 2019, February 3, the following news and information concerning PRC congregations, the Seminary, sister churches and mission fields may be noted.


  • Last Sunday, (Jan.27) Rev. B. Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA) DECLINED the call from Immanuel PRC in Lacombe, AB.

  • Rev. J. Engelsma (Doon PRC) is considering the call to Trinity PRC (received Jan.20).

  • The Council of Grandville PRC announces a new trio for calling a minister-on-loan to Covenant ERC in Singapore: Rev. J. Engelsma (Doon, IA), Rev. G. Eriks (Hudsonville),
    and Rev. C. Haak (Georgetown). The congregation will call next Sunday evening, Feb.10, D.V.

  • *SPECIAL NOTICE: We have many new officebearers who begin to serve in this time of year, some for the first time. If you are looking for helpful materials, visit our "Resources for Officebearers" webpage. You will find profitable sermons, speeches, and articles for the office and work of elder and that of deacon (Here is a summary webpage). Those in West Michigan will also find that the Seminary bookstore carries a variety of titles that will benefit our officebearers. Call or visit us M-F, 8AM - 5PM.


Classis West: Classis West of the PRC will meet in Heritage PRC (Sioux Falls, SD) on Wednesday, March 6, 2019, at 8:30 AM, the Lord willing. All material for the agenda is to be in the hands of the Sated Clerk by Feb.4 (30 days before classis convenes). All delegates in need of lodging or transportation from the airport should notify the clerk of Heritage's Consistory.  ~ Rev. J. Engelsma, Stated Clerk

Contact Committee: "A joint delegation from the Foreign Mission Committee and Contact Committee will be traveling to the Philippines from February 14-26.  Rev. Engelsma is going as the representative of our council and the FMC, and Rev. Decker is going as the CC representative." (From Doon PRC's bulletin)

 snowy front Jan 2019 1PRC Seminary News:

  • It was a cold and snowy week in West Michigan this past week (cf. photo above, taken on Jan.31) and that affected the seminary schedule. Due to treacherous conditions, classes were cancelled on Wednesday and Thursday. But we were able to hold two days of regular classes (Tuesday and Friday) in our second week of this new semester. The schedule of courses and calendar of events for the 2nd semester may be found on this page. 
  • Special event involving one of the seminary professors this week: This week Tuesday, February 5, Prof. R. Cammenga will be interviewed by Chris Arnzen on his radio program Iron Sharpens Iron from 4:00-6:00 pm EST. The subject will be the book, Saved by Grace: A Study of the Five Points of Calvinism, that he co-authored with Rev. Ron Hanko.

    *UPDATE: The podcast of Tuesday’s interview with Prof. Cammenga is now available. The audio file may be found here.

  • If you have not yet done so, check out the new PRC seminary website! There are many new features and updates, including a blog. Visit the site and check out the various pages - and sign up to receive seminary news by email!

  • Seminary recently completed its 2019 Interim course (Jan.4-15).  Prof. B. Gritters taught his "Heidelberg Catechism Preaching" class, which was live-streamed through the seminary's Youtube channel. You may also find the saved videos from the class at that YouTube link, if you wish to listen in on the sessions at your convenience.

  • The Fall 2018 issue of the PR Theological Journal is currently available. There are articles and book reviews of interest to all readers. The digital versions (pdf, ePub, Mobi) may be found here. If you would like a print copy, you may stop by the seminary and pick one up If you would like to be added to the mailing list, please contact the seminary.

  • *Special notice: Future Teachers and Ministers: Information for the 2019 PR Scholarship Fund essay competition is now available. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to receive the essay topics and submission requirements. Completed essays must be submitted by May 31st.

  • The PRC Synod 2018 took a decision urging “the churches and the pastors in particular in their public prayers to pray the Lord of the harvest for able, faithful, and devoted pastors and teachers (Ephesians 4:11) for us and our children, as well as for the gathering of the elect out of the nations (Matthew 28:19).” A number of ministers are nearing the age of emeritation, and the number of students in the seminary at this time will not be sufficient to fill the upcoming needs of our churches either in our own congregations or in the work of missions. Please remember this urgent need in your prayers and encourage young men whom you observe to have the gifts to consider the ministry.

  • Work continues on the seminary addition project that will house the new PRC archives and two offices during the professor transition period in the next few years. Due to recent cold and snowy weather, progress has been delayed, but preparations and plans continue to be made for the work that remains, including the library renovation project this summer. For more updates, visit this blog post.

Dordt400 display library 2019
*Display of Dordt400 items in the seminary library

  • The Seminary faculty along with Trinity PRC Evangelism Committee are busy preparing for a Spring 2019 conference to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the great Synod of Dordt, 1618/19 - 2018/19. The following updates are being given:
    Dordt 400: Did you know November 13 1618, 400 years ago, the Synod of Dordt began and didn’t conclude until nearly 6 months and 154 meetings later?! Are you familiar with the preceding history that led to this lengthy meeting? Do you know the week by week events that happened during the Great Synod? Follow that history and join the blog at to view the weekly events  Synod of Dordt. Stay up to speed in light of Seminary's conference April 25-27 2019.

    Dordt 400 Writing contest:  The conference also includes a writing contest with great prizes!  The deadline for submission was January 15. The committee will now be reviewing and judging the essays.

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*Covenant PRC, Ballymena, N. Ireland, one the PRCA's "sisters"


  • Since June of 2018 (confirmed at the PRC Synod), the PRCA now has an official sister-church relationship with the PRC in the Philippines. From the bulletins of our "sisters" there, the Berean PRC, Bulacan PRC, and Maranatha PRC, we find these notes today.
    • Maranatha PRC: "Our Pastor, Rev. L. Trinidad will lead us in both services. He will teach the Revelation, D.V. Next week our Missionary, Rev. R. Smit will lead us in both services. He will continue teaching the Belgic Confession."

    • The PRCP Classis will have their regular meeting on February 25, 2019 at 9:00 in the morning at Maranatha PRC, Valenzuela City.

    • Rev. Daniel & Sharon Kleyn are currently taking an extended furlough in the U.S. (until June 18). Per the decision of the PRC Synod of 2018, "the purpose of the furlough is to give Rev. Kleyn time to take some courses with a view to obtaining an advanced degree, to prepare classes to be taught in the PRCP [Philippines] seminary in the future, and to give both Rev. & Sharon opportunity to be refreshed and to reconnect with family."

    • And for more on the life and work of our "sisters" in the Far East read the news under Philippine missions (bulletins).

  • *Concerning our sister church in Singapore, Covenant ERC, we may note the following items from her bulletin today (Feb.3):
    •  "On last Sunday, the Council of Grandville PRC has formed a trio of Rev Joshua Engelsma (currently pastor of Doon PRC), Rev Gary Eriks (currently pastor of Hudsonville PRC) and Rev Carl Haak (currently pastor of Georgetown PRC). The congregation of Grandville PRC will vote on the 10 February to extend the call to one of these men to be the Minister-on-Loan to Singapore. Pray for these ministers that God will make His will plain to the man who receives the call. Let us wait patiently upon the Lord, trusting that the Lord knows our needs and will send us the man of His choosing in His perfect time.

    • "This week, we celebrate Chinese New Year, when the world will welcome the year of the pig. As the people of God, we do not follow all the superstitions and worldly celebrations associated with the particular year. But it is good for us to think of the Chinese New Year in a spiritual manner as it may give us opportunities to share with our families biblical accounts related to animals. To this end, we may look into the parable of the prodigal son to describe the work of Christ in seeking and saving the lost. We give thanks to God for the forgiveness of sins and the assurance that God is always ready to receive even His wayward children when they come to Him in sorrow of heart."

    • From Jan.27 bulletin: "We are also thankful to receive help for pulpit supplies till June 2019. After Rev. Spriensma, Rev Stephan Regnerus will be here for three Lord’s days, followed by Rev Heath Bleyenberg for four weeks. Pastor den Hartog will fill the pulpit from the first week of April till June 2019. We thank God for all His provision."

    • Her latest newsletter (DECEMBER 2018) - Reformed News Asia - was recently posted and may be found on this page.

    • The latest young peoples' magazine, Salt Shakers, was received and posted recently (November 2018 - cf. image above). Check that out on this page.
  • The PRC also has a "corresponding relationship" with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) of Australia. We remember these brothers and sisters in our prayers and labors also.

Psalter 1912 2
Are you interested in singing from the Psalms? Visit this page for more
information on the Psalter used in the PRCA.


  • If you are in need of some pamphlets published by the PRC for use in evangelism and/or witnessing, visit the PRCA Evangelism page for a complete list of materials available in digital format or by order from the publishing church. Looking for items on salvation by grace alone in Christ alone? Visit this page for more information.

  • Looking for Reformed literature and a solid Reformed and biblical magazine to read? Visit the Reformed Free Publishing Association's website (, where you will find information on books in all major Christian categories, as well as on the bi-monthly periodical, the Standard Bearer.

  • If you are in West Michigan, be sure to visit the Reformed Book Outlet in downtown Hudsonville, MI! The RBO is a great source for Bibles, Bible study materials, music, cards, RFPA books, and other Reformed literature; stop at the RBO, or visit their website.

  • You can now listen to the Heidelberg Catechism and the Belgic Confession on audio! Visiit the links provided to hear the Catechism and the Confession read. It's another excellent way to learn the Reformed faith and memorize these Reformed creeds.

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  • Remember to listen to the Reformed Witness Hour each Sunday (on a radio station near you or on Sermonaudio wherever you are)! Today Rev. R. Kleyn (pastor of Covenant of Grace PRC) brings the message "The Priority of Love" based on 1 Cor.13:1-3 (which you may listen to at this link).

  • A new Spanish edition of the RWH is being produced and may be found on this YouTube channel (PRC Espanol). Look for new messages each week - and help spread the word!

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*Do you read the Salt Shakers YP magazine from the young people in the CERC, Singapore?

ESPECIALLY FOR PRC Young People and Young Adults:

  • NEWS about the 2019 PRYP's Convention: Southwest & Providence Protestant Reformed Churches will be hosting the 2019 PRC Young People's Convention on August 12-16, the Lord willing.  The convention will be held at Michindoh Conference Center in Hillsdale, MI.  Registration for chaperones is now open!  Please visit our website at to register.

  • Lynden PRC Young Adults Retreat updates: A reminder that registration for our retreat will be opening in February! Instructions on how to register will be announced in the bulletins as well as posted to our Facebook Page - Lynden PRC Young Adults Retreat 2019. If you haven’t already, request an invite to see the page and invite your friends as well! As previously announced, our retreat will take place at Mt. Baker Bibleway Camp during July 1-5, 2019. Our speakers for the retreat will be Prof. Gritters and Reverend Regnerus. Our retreat theme is An Unchanging God In an Ever-Changing World. Come join us for a wonderful retreat in beautiful Northwest Washington!

  • A matter for our young people to consider prayerfully. From the Federation of PR School Societies: “There is a significant need for more good Christian teachers for our beloved schools. This is true in light of increasing enrollment, recently established and emerging schools, and continual teacher retirements. We ask that this need be prayed for and supplication made that the young men and women of your congregation be led by God to enter into the vocation of a Christian school teacher. This…is intended to bring the serious need for teachers to your attention so this specific request can be brought to our heavenly Father and the need made known directly to your congregation.”

  • *Special notice: Future Teachers and Ministers: Information for the 2019 PR Scholarship Fund essay competition is now available. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to receive the essay topics and submission requirements. Completed essays must be submitted by May 31st.

  • Are YOU a subscriber to the PR Young People's magazine, the Beacon Lights? Visit the website and learn how to become one!

  • *The latest young peoples' magazine of Covenant ERC in Singapore, Salt Shakers, was received and posted (November 2018 - cf. image above). Check that out on this page.

Dorr library
*See the note below on the Bible study here this week!


Domestic Labors:

  • Remember in prayer our home missionary, Rev. A. Spriensma, who continues to labor in the West Michigan area and beyond through Byron Center PRC, the calling church. In a recent bulletin of Byron Center PRC we find this note concerning our missionary's labors at present:
    • "The Domestic Mission Committee and our Council have approved a request for Pastor Spriensma to assist the saints in Singapore from January 15 until February 12. Besides the 4 Sundays of preaching, Rev. Spriensma will be teaching catechism, leading Bible Societies, conducting a wedding, administering the sacrament of Baptism and working closely with Singapore's Evangelism committee. Remember Rev. Spriensma and Alva in their travels and work in Singapore."

    • *"The Dorr Bible study meets this Thursday, February 7, at 7:30 PM. We plan to start our discussion at John 4:26. Please bring friends and join us at the public library in Dorr." (from BC-PRC's bulletin this week)

United Kingdom:

7M Catechetics class 2015 1
One of the 7M classes held monthly in Manila. Here the men are watching a vide of one of the seminary courses.

Philippine Missions:

  • The last Philippines mission newsletter was received and posted back in October 2018 and may be found on this PRC webpage.
  • Don't forget to follow the Kleyn's blog on life and activities in the Philippines. And that also includes the Holstege's! And don't miss out on the Smits once again too!

  • From this Sunday's bulletin of Provident Christian Church in Marikina we find the following notes concerning their pastors as well as concerning our missionaries and their labors today and in this coming week:
    • Rev. D. Holstege will preach both times today and next Sunday, DV. At 10:15, we will continue Lesson 9 in the Essentials class, “The Providence of God.”
    • The Council will continue family visitation this week with the theme “Living Together in the Body of Christ” (I Cor. 12:25-27).

Let us continue in prayer to the Lord for the fulfillment of the needs of these busy pastors and missionaries in the Philippines. May the Lord of the harvest give them grace to be faithful and encouraged in all their labors.


  • Let us also remember Hope PRC's (Grand Rapids, MI) support of and involvement with Rev. Titus' work in Myanmar; for his latest report, visit this page.
  • The delegation to Myanmar (Rev. Overway and Richard Peterson of the Myanmar committee, accompanied by Cal and Seth Kalsbeek and John Van Baren) recently returned after another profitable misison.
Last modified on 06 February 2019

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