On this thirty-sixth Lord's Day of 2019, September 8, the following news and information concerning PRC congregations, the Seminary, sister churches, and mission fields may be mentioned.
- On Sept.1 Cand. J. Maatman accepted the call to Southeast PRC (Grand Rapids, MI, received July 21). Lord willing, he will be examined at the meeting of Classis East this week Wednesday, at Southwest PRC, which begins at 8 am. He will preach his specimen sermon before being examined by Classis (around 9 am). May the Lord sustain the brother as he submits to this examination, another step toward his ordination into the gospel ministry.
- On September 1 Cand. M. Kortus accepted the call to Hope PRC (Redlands, CA, received July 21). Lord willing, he will be examined at the meeting of Classis West on Sept.25 in Calvary PRC (Hull, IA), with his specimen sermon delivered the night before at a special worship service in Calvary PRC. May the Lord strengthen this brother as he prepares for his examination.
- Prof. R. Cammenga and Rev. G.Eriks are leading the worship services of Southeast PRC (Grand Rapids, MI) today. Her pastor-elect, J. Maatman, will be examined at Classis East this week. The congregation is currently worshiping at Adams Christian School in Wyoming, MI, while she looks for a new location.
- Rev. R. Kleyn is leading Immanuel PRC (Lacombe, AB) in worship today and next week.
- Rev. J. Langerak (Heritage PRC) is supplying the pulpit of Hope PRC Redlands again today.
*Southwest PRC, host of Classis East meeting this week.
Classis East: Classis East will convene Wednesday at 8:00 am at Southwest PRC. The agenda includes the specimen sermon and examination of Candidate Jacob Maatman, the proposed organization of a new congregation (Unity PRC, Byron Center, MI), as well as many other weighty matters. With the lengthy agenda, classis will likely meet for two days or more. May the King of the church strengthen and sustain pastor-elect J. Maatman for his examination and the delegates for all their work.
*Rev. B.Huizinga answering the questions of the Form during his installation as professor of theology this past week.
PRC Synod 2019:
- *On June 30 Rev. Brian Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA) accepted Synod 2019's call to serve as Professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament (replacing Prof. R. Cammenga within five years). His installation as professor of theology was held on Wednesday Sept.4 during a divine worship service at Grandville PRC (7 pm).
- Need for Ministers: Synod 2019 took a decision to place the urgent need for seminary students before our churches. Nine of our 39 active ministers are 63 years of age and older. The next prospect for seminary graduates in our churches is not for another four years. Then those nine ministers will be 67 and older. Please remember in your prayers to petition the Lord of the harvest for pastors, and please encourage young men, whom you observe to have the gifts, to consider the ministry.
Prof. D. Kuiper teaching his new research and methodology course.
PRC Seminary News:
- The seminary is now entering its third week of the first semester in the new school year. The schedule for the first semester has been posted on the seminary's website. If you are interested in visiting, please contact the seminary.
- This past Wednesday night (Sept.4) was a special evening as Rev. B. Huizinga was installed as the new professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament Studies during a worship service at Grandville PRC. Prof. R. Cammenga, whom he will be replacing over the course of the next few years, preached a wonderful sermon from Acts 27:23b, "Whose I am, and whom I serve." Prof. Huizinga has begun work on his advanced degree (ThM) at Calvin Theological Seminary.
- Our other new professor, Douglas Kuiper, has begun teaching for the first time this semester (see photo below), starting with the pre-seminary Greek grammar course, as well as Hermeneutics and a new Research and Methodology course. We thank the Lord for enabling him to reach this point in his career as professor. Over the course of the next few years he will also take over the church history courses and others from Prof. R. Dykstra.
- Our two 2019 graduates, Matt Kortus and Jacob Maatman, sustained their synodical examinations at the PRC 2019 Synod (June 11-13) and were declared candidates for the ministry of the Word and sacraments in the PRC. Both have now received and accepted calls from vacant congregations - Cand. Kortus to Hope PRC (Redlands, CA) and Cand. Maatman to Southeast PRC (Grand Rapids, MI) - and will be examined at the meetings of Classis West and East respectively in the next month. We praise God for this evidence of the confirmation of the Lord's call.
- Work continues on the seminary addition and library renovation projects (new archives and offices). There are some finishing touches to be done in the library yet, including new furniture. In the archives room all is ready for the special flooring and shelving, which should some later this month. Prof. Huizinga's office also awaits new furniture, which is due this week.
- Be sure to visit the new PRC seminary website! Visit the site and check out the various pages, including the new blog - and sign up to receive seminary news by email! The library is also online there (under Resources). If you are looking for a particular book to read or use, or just want to browse, visit the library page.
*Read Covenant PRC's latest newsletter
- Concerning our sister church in Singapore, Covenant ERC, we may note the following:
- Rev. L. Trinidad is scheduled to supply preaching and teaching to the CERC today (Sept.8). After that, Rev. A. denHartog will return. From her bulletin today we find this special note: "This morning we welcome Rev Trinidad to our pulpit, bringing God's word to us and administering the Lord's Supper. The Lord is good, for his mercy endureth forever. We extend our thanks to Maranatha PRCP for allowing Rev Trinidad to come to Singapore to serve His people here. May we show our appreciation with our Christian love and extend our fellowship to him over the next few days."
- Her latest newsletter (August 2019) - Reformed News Asia - was posted recently posted and may be found on this page.
- Concerning our newest sister, the PRC in the Philippines, we may note the following from the bulletins of the Berean PRC, PRC in Bulacan, Maranatha PRC, and Provident CC:
- Berean PRC: Rev. V. Ibe will lead the worship services today.
- Maranatha PRC: Rev. R. Smit is leading both services today. He will also teach out of the Belgic Confession.
- Provident CC: Today the elders will lead both services using video sermons of Prof. Brian Huizinga.
- Missions: Let us uphold Rev. Ibe and his family in our prayers as they prepare to move and begin mission work with the saints in PRFA, Albuera, Leyte. The installation of Rev. Ibe as Missionary/pastor is scheduled on November 17, 2019 at 3P.M. at PRC in Bulacan, the Lord willing.
- And for more on the life and work of our "sisters" in the Far East read the news under Philippine missions (bulletins).
- Berean PRC: Rev. V. Ibe will lead the worship services today.
- Concerning our sister church in Ballymena, N. Ireland, Covenant PRC, we may note the following:
- Rev. A. Stewart is leading the services today.
- *Covenant PRC's latest newsletter was received and posted (August 2019).
- Read the newest issue of Covenant Reformed News! That issue (August 2019) can be found here.
- *The PRC also has a "corresponding relationship" with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) of Australia. We remember these brothers and sisters in our prayers and labors also.
Do the special offices and gifts of the Holy Spirit still continue? Read this helpful resource to find the answer!
- If you are in need of some pamphlets and/or articles published by the PRC for use in evangelism and/or witnessing, visit the PRCA Evangelism page for a complete list of materials available in digital format or by order from the publishing church.
- Do you have an interest in good Reformed literature and a solid Reformed and biblical magazine? Visit the Reformed Free Publishing Association's website (www.rfpa.org), where you will find information on books in all major Christian categories, as well as on the bi-monthly periodical, the Standard Bearer.
- You can now listen to the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, and the Canons of Dordt on audio! Visit the links provided to hear the Catechism, the Confession, and the Canons. It's another excellent way to learn the Reformed faith and memorize these Reformed creeds.
- Remember to listen to the Reformed Witness Hour each Sunday - on a radio station near you or on Sermonaudio wherever you are!
- This week we return to Rev. C. Griess' series on the Five Points of Calvinism in connection with the 400th anniversary of the Canons of Dordt. His final message is "The Preservation of the Saints" based on John 10:27-29 (or visit the RWH website linked here to listen anytime).
From the Reformed Witness Hour Committee: Have you checked out our newsletters? If you would like to receive them digitally in your emailbox, please sign up for our bimonthly newsletter here: ehttp://epurl.com/gikNsL.
A new Spanish edition of the RWH has been produced and may be found on this YouTube channel (PRC Espanol). Why not check it out - and help spread the word!
Do you receive and read the Beacon Lights? Do you visit their website?
ESPECIALLY FOR PRC Young People and Young Adults:
- The 2019 PRYP's Convention is now history (held Aug.12-16 at Michindoh Conference Center in Hillsdale, MI.). Southwest and Providence PRCs hosted this years' event. For pictures and more visit this YouTube channel.
- The latest young peoples' magazine of Covenant ERC in Singapore, Salt Shakers, was received and posted (August 2019 - cf. image above). Check that out on this page.
*Pastor Paulraj teaching a Sola Gratia class in Vellore, India
Domestic Labors:
- Remember in prayer our home missionary, Rev. A. Spriensma, who continues to labor in the West Michigan area and beyond through Byron Center PRC, the calling church.
- Limerick Reformed Fellowship News:
- Rev. M. McGeown is preaching today and will lead the Bible study Tuesday 8 PM in Corbally.
- The March 2019 newsletter of the Limerick Reformed Fellowship mission station was received and posted recently.
Philippine Missions:
- PRC in Bulacan, (the calling church of the mission work in Albuera, Leyte) extended the call to Rev. Ibe (Berean PRC) to serve as missionary/pastor to this field. Rev. Ibe has accepted this call, which means that the PRCP will have its first missionary as a denomination. We rejoice with them in God's good provision of a man for this work. The installation of Rev. Ibe as Missionary/pastor is scheduled on November 17, 2019 at 3P.M. at PRC in Bulacan, the Lord willing.
- The last Philippines mission newsletter was received and posted in July 2019 and may be found on this PRC webpage.
- For more on life and activities in the Philippines from the personal perspective of the missionary's, visit the Kleyn's blog, the Holstege's, and the Smits!
Let us continue in prayer to the Lord for the fulfillment of the needs of these busy pastors and missionaries in the Philippines. May the Lord of the harvest give them grace to be faithful and encouraged in all their labors.
- *Let us remember to pray for the Lord's blessing on Georgetown PRC's labor in Vellore, India.
- And we remember our sister church's work (Covenant ERC in Singapore) in Kolkata, through Rev. E. Singh. From CERC's bulletin today we find this important note concerning this work: "This coming Friday, Elders Leong and Tang will be in Kolkata to assist Rev Singh in Baptisms and Confession of Faith (COF). We will witness 6 adult and 2 infant baptisms and 1 adult COF, the Lord willing. We give thanks to God for His faithfulness in seeking out his elect children and bringing them out of darkness into His marvellous light. May Jehovah God watch over them and strengthen them in their faith to trust in the only true and wise God, in the country where they may face persecutions and trials."
- Let us also remember Hope PRC's (Grand Rapids, MI) support of and involvement with Rev. Titus' work in Myanmar; for his latest report, visit this page.
- Daniel Kleyn
- Matt Kortus
- Jacob Maatman
- Angus Stewart
- Joshua Engelsma
- Rodney Kleyn
- Emmanuel Singh
- India mission work
- PRC young adult retreats
- Myanmar missions
- Reformed Book Outlet
- ministerial calls
- sister church relations
- PRC Seminary
- missions and evangelism
- Audred Spriensma
- Martyn McGeown
- young people activities
- Reformed literature
- Immanuel PRC
- calvinism
- Paulraj
- Brian Huizinga
- Daniel Holstege