Today, March 31, RESURRECTION SUNDAY, is the thirteenth Lord's Day of this new year of our Lord 2024. Below you will find special highlights of PRC and sister-church news. It is our hope that these reports not only inform you but also give you opportunity to pray for the needs of these churches and mission fields throughout the world.
Today we celebrate the glorious resurrection from the dead of our Savior Jesus Christ. The Lamb of God who was slain for His sheep on Good Friday is risen from the dead on the third day, that first Easter Sunday morning. That Jesus is risen means that His perfect sacrifice for the sins of His own fully paid for their sins, that He is victorious over all sin's effects - death, hell, and the grave, and that He who now lives forevermore with new heavenly life imparts that to all who believe on Him, so that they too will rise from the dead and enjoy perfect life in heaven with Jesus. Hallelujah, what a Savior!
But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. ...So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. ~ 1 Corinthians 15:20-23; 54-57
If you are new to this website and the PRCA, we invite you to join us in worship today or on any of the Sunday's of this year at one of our local congregations near you; or you may listen online through one of the PRC's livestreams.
- Today the PRC congregations commemorate and celebrate our Lord Jesus' resurrection from the dead with worship services in the morning and evening (or afternoon). Join us in hearing the gracious gospel of Christ crucified and raised for hell-deserving sinners such as ourselves, and find true peace with God, deep joy in Jesus, and new life in the Spirit. We cordially invite you to attend these services at a church near you. Visit the website to find out when her service will be held.
- Last Sunday Rev. N. Decker (Grandville PRC) declined the call to Hope PRC-Redlands, CA.
- Pittsburgh PRC's Council has formed a new trio consisting of Revs. N. Decker (Grandville PRC), G. Eriks (Unity PRC), and J. Mahtani (Hope PRC-Walker). A congregational meeting has been scheduled April 7, after the evening worship service.
- Rev. M. DeBoer (Edgerton PRC) is considering the call from Lynden (WA) PRC (received March 17).
- Rev. A. Brummel (Calvary PRC-Hull, IA) is considering the call to Loveland PRC (received March 10). He plans to answer by April 7.
Classical appointments and pulpit supply for today in the vacant PRCs: Prof. C. Griess and Rev. J. Slopsema in Georgetown PRC; Rev. C. Haak in Hope PRC-Redlands; Prof. B. Huizinga and Prof. D. Kuiper in Hudsonville PRC; Rev. D. Kleyn (2nd week) in Loveland PRC; Rev. A. Brummel (2nd week) in Lynden PRC; Rev. W. Bruinsma in Pittsburgh PRC. May we count it a blessing of our church federation that we can help one another in these needs. Let us remember to pray for the men who supply these pulpits and for the vacant congregations. And may we continue to pray for men to hear the call to serve as pastors and missionaries!
Special Congregational/Evangelism Notices:
- Byron Center (MI) PRC: The Community Bible Study meets this Thursday, April 4, at 7:30 PM at church to continue our study of the book of Philippians. Discussion will begin at chapter 1 verse 28. You would be welcome to join us!
- From the Faith PRC Evangelism Committee: We want to thank all of those who were able to attend the Financial Seminar in January. If you were not able to attend or didn't make all the sectionals, we have put together a summary of the sectionals as well as the sample spreadsheet that was used in the breakout sectional about budgeting. I am sure you can reach out to the speakers if you have any questions. The summary can be found on the Faith Church website at If anyone is interested in a CD of the keynote speeches, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.."
- Faith PRC (Jenison, MI): "Please join us April 7 at 7:30 PM at Faith PRC in Jenison, MI for a slide presentation from Pastor Jochen Klautke from the BERG church in Germany. After the presentation there will be bake goods, coffee and time to meet Pastor Jochen Klautke and Pastor Ludwig Ruhle from the BEG church in North East, Germany."
- Denominational Website Logo Design Contest: The denominational website is currently being redesigned to improve our evangelism efforts and to make it more user friendly for all who visit the website. As part of this effort, we would like to create a new logo and we would like to have a contest so that anyone within the denomination can try their hand at designing our new logo. You may send your designs to the website committee (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) before June 30, 2024. The winner will receive a gift.
- Classis West met in Randolph (WI) PRC March 6-7. The public report has been posted here.
- AD-HOC COMMITTEE of Synod 2023 reports it will deactivate the Guidepost hotline (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) effective April 5. The reasoning is that after this date Guidepost will be unable to investigate and report on information collected through the hotline in time to meet the deadline for the synodical report. Instead of using funds for the hotline, the committee has directed Guidepost to focus on compiling and distributing reports to consistories. The hotline may be reactivated in the future depending on the decisions of Synod 2024.
- PRC 100th Anniversary Celebration: All the members of the PRCA, our sister churches, and close contacts are encouraged to come together at Calvin University from June 2-6, 2025 (note the new dates) to participate in this commemorative week. Visit for basic event information and to sign up for email updates.
Register by TODAY (final day) for the 2024 Young People's Convention hosted by Cornerstone and Peace PRC! We are looking forward to a great week at camp Cedarmore in Kentucky from August 5 - 9, 2024. Registration is fully online this year, so get started at Note that the registration process includes waivers, so parents should register for their young people who are minors. If you have any questions, reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- 2024 PRYP's Convention: "The Program Committee from Cornerstone and Peace PRC is seeking volunteers for special instrumental or vocal numbers at the 2024 YP Convention. We'd love to highlight our talented young people! Solos, duets,or group numbers are all welcome. We look forward to how these numbers will be a blessing to all convention attendees and bringglory to God's name! If you are interested in participating, please contact Brenda Dykstra with a call or text at (708) 638-2602 or e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.."
Rev. J. Maatman (SE PRC (Wyoming, MI) led the Wednesday chapel at the PRC Seminary this past week.
PRC Seminary Notices:
- The PR Theological Seminary willl enjoy its Spring break this week. The seminary will still be open daily if you have any needs.
- The Spring 2024 issue of the PR Theological Journal? is being prepared and should go the printer later this week. In the meantime, if you haven't read the Fall 2023 issue, visit the link here to do so. If you want to be added to our mailing list (either print or digital) or wish to pick up a copy, contact Valerie Kleyn, the seminary secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
- Future Teachers and Ministers: Information for the 2024 PR Scholarship Fund essay competition is now available.Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to receive the essay topics and submission requirements. Completed essaysmust be submitted by May 17.
- For the latest seminary news and information, visit the seminary's website - and don't forget the blog!
- Covenant ERC, Singapore and her Kolkata, India mission work:
- Pastors J. Tan and M. Wee are faithfully serving the CERC. Today both pastors preached. Today's "pastoral note" by pastor Tan comments on the special Good Friday gospel meeting they had: "We give thanks to God for last Friday’s good Friday gospel meeting. We all thank the Evangelism Committee and all those who helped organize this gospel meeting on behalf of the church and those who helped clean up the church! ...Please continue to pray for those newcomers who attended the gospel meeting. Please also continue to commit our church in prayer that we by God’s grace will continue to grow in personal evangelism and witness to the glory of our God."
- A new issue of Salt Shakers is now out - #71, the first of 2024! Once again you will find a variety of articles on timely subjects in this issue! Written especially for young people and young adults, SS is edifying for all adults!
- Covenant PRC, N. Ireland:
- Rev. A. Stewart continues to minister the Word faithfully in the CPRC, Ballymena, N. Ireland. Special notice: "Rev. Stewart will be interviewed on Iron Sharpens Iron Radio ( on the subject of “The Abomination of Desolation” this Friday, 5 April, at 9-11 PM (GMT)."
- 2024 BRF Family Conference: Join Reformed believers from around the world at the 2024 British Reformed Fellowship family conference at Cloverley Hall Conference Centre in Shropshire, England, from Saturday, August 3, to Saturday, August 10. Our speakers, Prof. Brian Huizinga and Rev. Ron Hanko, will lecture on “Then Comes the End: The Reformed Doctrine of Eschatology.” For information and booking forms, see the website ( ) or contact Briana Prins (616-214-2779; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
- The Febuary 2024 issue of "Covenant Reformed News" is now available! Read the articles by Rev. Stewart on "The Truth Is According to Godliness" and Rev. R. Hanko's response to a question about total depravity and Manichaeism. Loook for the March issue soon!
- The CPRC YouTube channel may be found here.
- PRC in the Philippines and her mission work in various places:
- Berean PRC bulletin: Elders Espiritu and Penaverde led her services today. And, "Rev. Ibe and family are visiting with the saints in All of Grace Protestant Reformed Fellowship in Gabaldon Nueva Ecija. Our pastor will lead them in their worship service at 9AM and Bible study at 10:45 AM. All the Lord willing. We pray for God’s blessings and spiritual sustenance upon them as they hear the Word of God."
- Provident PRC bulletin: Elder Jun Armas led both worship services today through PRCA’s recorded video sermons.
Listen to the Reformed Witness Hour each Sunday - on a radio station near you, on Sermonaudio, or on your favorite podcast - wherever you are!
- This month (March 2024) the RWH is broadcasting four gospel messages by Prof. D. Kuiper on the Ten Commandments and one by Rev. J. Laning for Easter. Today's message is titled "The Risen Jesus Meeting the Women" based on Matthew 28:9.
- The Reformed Witness Hour publishes each month's messages in an attractive booklet. These printed sermons are a great blessing to many and are distributed all over the world, including to many prisoners in the U.S. If you or your Evangelism Committee would like to receive these, let the RWHC know and they will add you to the mailing list (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
What did God do in sending His Son Jesus into the world? And how may I know that I am loved by God and saved through this Savior? Read this pamphlet to find out!
The Reformed Book Outlet (downtown Hudsonville, MI) is now operating out of its new store in downtown Hudsonville (3472 Harvey St.). Visit the store and browse the variety of resources for your Reformed-Christian faith and walk, including many children's titles. They are open Tuesday-Friday, 10-5, and Saturday 10-1.
- In need of sound biblical and Reformed catechism materials for children and young people? Check out the PRC's full curriculum of materials here. Call the PRC Seminary for help with any of these materials (616-531-1490).
- For sound, distinctively Reformed literature on a variety of subjects and for all ages - including church history and Bible study materials - visit the Reformed Free Publishing Association website or stop in at their Jenison (Michigan) location.
This Week's Thought for Contemplation
"I know that my Redeemer liveth.”
"He lives!
"He is the Almighty, unchangeable Jehovah, who keeps covenant with His people forever. He sovereignly rules over all things, so that not a hair can fall from our heads except by His will. He has the storms in His hands, the lightning that took Job’s sheep, the wind that destroyed his children. Even the wrath of men shall praise Him, for devils, and Sabeans, and Chaldeans, and all wicked men are but instruments in His hand to carry out His counsel. His grace abideth ever. He will not always chide, neither will He keep His anger forever. His anger lasts a moment, His favor all the day. For He has not dealt with us after our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. As far as the east is from the west, so far hath He removed our transgressions from us. Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear Him.
"He lives! Jehovah, the God of our salvation lives.
"How much richer these words are for us now, since the cross and the resurrection have become a historical reality. The Son of God came into our flesh, suffered, died and was buried. For a moment even the disciples despaired, so that they hid themselves in bitter sorrow.
"Their master had been taken from them. The one whom they professed to be the Christ, the Son of the living God, had perished in the hands of wicked men, and His body was laid away in the grave. They failed to understand the cross, and therefore all looked so utterly dark and hopeless. Yet that one flame of faith and hope within their souls never entirely faded out. On the contrary, it suddenly flared up to shine forth in glorious brilliancy.
"Jesus arose as victor over death. He had paid the ransom for sin. He had satisfied God’s justice. And God raised Him up to exalt Him to power and glory in the highest heavens. We now see Jesus with an eye of faith, crowned with glory and honor, living and reigning with God forever! “He arose, a victor from the dark domain, and He lives forever with His saints to reign.”
"He lives! Yes, we know He lives, for He has come to dwell with us in the Spirit. He lives even now within our hearts."
~ Taken from the article "My Redemeer Liveth" by C. Hanko