Have you ever wondered what a typical Sunday is like in our sister church in Singapore? Back in August of this year Stephanie Lanning, wife of Rev.Andy Lanning, pastor of the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church of Singapore, did a special blog post on a typcial Sunday in this congregation. She titled it "A Day at Church". With help from her father, Rev.Steven Key, who was visiting at the time, she also included some supporting pictures.
We should know the faith and practice of our "sister" in Singapore. Then we will better appreciate and be thankful for our covenant "church family" relation. And we will also be better equipped to pray for her according to her particular needs.
What follows is part of her post, including the Sunday schedule and two pictures. Visit this post to see more pictures, and make frequent visits to Mrs.Lanning's blog for many other interesting posts about life in Singapore and in the CERC.
First and third quarters of the year
9:30-11:00 -- Morning church service
11:00-12:15 -- Sunday School for youngest kids
11:30-12:30 -- Catechism for ages 6-12 (Older classes meet on Saturday afternoons.)
-- Some type of classes for the young people
-- Ladies' Bible Study twice a month
-- Men's Bible Study twice a month
-- During the weeks off from Bible study, there are sometimes other
activities, such as Shepherding a Child's Heart videos and discussion.
12:30-2:00 -- Lunch
-- Library is open
-- Time for visiting
-- Practice for any upcoming events; for example, a group sang at Paul &
Anthea's wedding in February, and right now a group is practicing an
instrumental number for the church anniversary in September.
2:00-3:00 -- Second church service
Second and fourth quarters of the year
9:30-11:00 -- Morning church service
11:00-12:15 -- Sunday School for ages 1-12
11:30-12:30 -- Canons class for adults -- This consists of a 45-minute speech by my
husband on one article of the Canons, followed by a question and answer
-- Classes for the young people
12:30-2:00 -- Same as first and third quarters
2:00-3:00 -- Second church service