Missions of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America

Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church of Singapore

Covenant ERCS 2022


11, Jalan Mesin #04-00

Standard Industrial Building

Singapore 368813

Worship Services: 9:30 A.M. & 2:00 P.M.

Pastors: Josiah Tan (2021) and Marcus Wee (2022)

Ptr Josiah Tan 2023Pastor J. Tan

Ptr Marcus Wee 2023Pastor M. Wee

148 Bishan Street 11 #06-113 

Singapore  570148

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Reformed News Asia - April 2019

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Issue 54 - April 2019

We print pamphlets written by our members and those from other Reformed churches of like-minded faith. They include a wide range of topics from doctrines to church history and practical Christian living. These pamphlets serve to promote knowledge of the true God as expressed in the Reformed faith.
Unity of the Church
By Various Authors

"I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."
Ephesians 4:1-3

Where this unity is established there is no schism, no conflict, no warfare; rather, peace reigns. All disrupting forces have been eradicated. Harmony, tranquillity, unanimity prevail. When the Spirit of unity takes hold of us, members of Christ's church, then we, too, endeavour to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Then we make every effort, strive diligently to guard the unity which the Spirit has wrought.

Click hereto view our catalogue of pamphlets.

Click here to make an order.

All pamphlets are free. CERC reserves some discretion regarding large orders and/or orders from those outside Singapore.
Featured Book
For local orders (S'pore), please contact Ms Daisy Lim at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For international orders, click here.
The Royal Sufferer
by Herman Hoeksema

From the RFPA website:

Christ is and was the king…
…whose kingdom is not of this world, and who rejected all the glory that this world offers.
…who refused to allow the Jews to crown him king, though he was the King of the Jews.
…who fought alone, without an army.
…who was arrested by his own people, and mocked by the representatives of the Roman Empire, the great earthly kingdom of that day.
…who was crucified because he was King, and remained King when he died.
…who, being risen and ascended, is the King of kings and Lord of lords.
To this divinely anointed King, this book is witness. Behold your King, and worship him!

Audio Recordings
Click to listen to the series of sermons by Rev Arie Den Hartog

Jesus At The Last Passover With His Disciples
Jesus In Gethsemane
Jesus At Calvary
The Miracle of Jesus' Resurrection
Upcoming Events!
Sports Day - 20 May 2019
CERC Church Camp 2019

Some details of this year's church camp are as follows. More details will be announced closer to the date. 

Date: 10-13 June 2019
Venue: Pulai Spring Resort, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Theme: Holiness: "Walking in the Spirit" - Gal 5:16.
Speaker: Rev. A. den Hartog
Past Events...
Infant Baptism of Jeshurun

We were blessed to witness the Infant Baptism of Jeshurun, son of Yang Zhi and Nicolle! We rejoice with them, thanking God for adding to the church and praying for God's blessings upon them as they bring up their covenant child in the fear of the Lord. The applicatory sermon preached under the title  'Daily Performing Our Vows', Psalm 61:8 can be found here. May we examine ourselves also and glorify God as we perform our vows.
Gospel Meeting 2019

This year, our Gospel Meeting was given by Rev Arie Den Hartog, under the theme of 'The Suffering Servant of God', taken from Isaiah 53:1-5 and can be found here. Thank God for sending His Son to die on the cross for us! Thank God for the good time of fellowship also and we welcome many visitors. 
Wedding of Jonah and Zhi Leng

This April, Jonah and Zhi Leng were united in holy matrimony. We rejoice with them and pray the Lord's blessings upon their union!

"For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church." Ephesians 5:31-32
Salt Shakers

Salt Shakers is a bi-monthly magazine published by the youth in Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church (CERC). Included in each issue are writings pertaining to bothReformed doctrine and practical theology. Contributors to Salt Shakers include our pastor, youth and members of CERC, and pastors and professors from the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. Salt Shakers also features articles from the Standard Bearer and other Reformed publications. Click here to access.

Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church
We are a Reformed Church that holds to the doctrines of the Reformation as they are expressed in the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism and the Canons of Dordt.

Lord's Day services on Sunday at 930 am & 2 pm ~ 11 Jalan Mesin, #04-00, Standard Industrial Building, Singapore 368813 ~ Pastor: Vacant  ~ www.cerc.org.sg 

New Salt Shakers Magazine - April 2019

SS April 2019 cover 2"Covenant Keepers", the youth ministry of the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church of Singapore (our sister church), has now released the April 2019 issue of "Salt Shakers" (#54),their youth magazine.

The APRIL 2019 issue of "SS" is once again filled with interesting and instructive articles, and our PRC young people especially are encouraged to make it part of their reading content.

Below you will find a note from the "SS" Committee introducing the contents of this issue and images of the cover and table of contents. The entire issue is also attached here in pdf form.

Dear readers,

Our second issue of the year is here! An assortment of Reformed, Christian literature awaits your spiritual consumption; download the PDF attachment below!
May the LORD continue to use the magazine for your spiritual profit and the glory of His name.
 In Christ,
Lim Yang Zhi, On Behalf of the Salt Shakers Committee

Inside the April Issue:

~ Giants Contending for the Faith

~ Wisdom (2): Wisdom and the Tongue

~ Heroes of the Faith - Barak

~ Homosexuality: What Does the Bible Teach (2)

~ Going Green in the Right Direction

~ Godly Zeal in the Second Generation (2)

~ Fellowship and the Incarnation

~ How the Reformed Faith Arrived in Kolkata

~ New from the Churches


New Salt Shakers Magazine - February 2019

"Covenant Keepers", the youth ministry of the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church of Singapore (our sister church), has now released the February 2019 issue of "Salt Shakers" (#53),their youth magazine.

The FEBRUARY 2019 issue of "SS" is once again filled with interesting and instructive articles, and our PRC young people especially are encouraged to make it part of their reading content.

Below you will find a note from the "SS" Committee introducing the contents of this issue and images of the cover and table of contents. The entire issue is also attached here in pdf form.

SS 53 Feb 2019

Inside the February Issue:

Editorial: A Threat to Unity - Aaron Lim

Scripture's Covenant Youth (XV): John the Baptist - Prof. Herman Hanko

Wisdom (1): The Meaning of Wisdom - Prof. Herman Hanko

Homosexuality (1): What Does the Bible Teach? - Rev. Angus Stewart

God Laughs - Daisy Lim

Quit You Like Men (IV) - Woon Tian Loong

Contemporary Covenant Theology - Prof. David Engelsma

Affluence - Paul Ong

The Zeal of the Second Generation (1) - Rev. Arie denHartog

Fellowship with God (II): The Believer's Good Works - Rev. Nathan Langerak

Reflection: the British Reformed Fellowship Family Conference 2018 - Cheryl Lim

Whiter Than Snow - Rachel Yeow


Reformed News Asia - February 2019

Issue 53 - February 2019

We print pamphlets written by our members and those from other Reformed churches of like-minded faith. They include a wide range of topics from doctrines to church history and practical Christian living. These pamphlets serve to promote knowledge of the true God as expressed in the Reformed faith.
Evangelism in the Established CHurch
By Jason L. Kortering

" The heartbeat of all evangelism in the local church is the living testimony of a godly walk by the members and their eagerness to share the gospel with those who cross their pathway. The great motivation for effective evangelism in the local church is a heart that truly loves God and loves the neighbour for God’s sake. If we truly love God, the goal of evangelism is not self, not even the neighbour, but it is God and His glory through the gathering and strengthening of His precious people. "

"..personal evangelism is God’s work through us. We must be obedient to Him and pray that His Holy Spirit will use us to promote the gospel to His glory."

Click hereto view our catalogue of pamphlets.

Click here to make an order.

All pamphlets are free. CERC reserves some discretion regarding large orders and/or orders from those outside Singapore.
Featured Book
For local orders (Singapore), please contact Ms Daisy Lim at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For international orders, click here.
Walking in the Way of Love - Volume 2
by Nathan J. Langerak

From the RFPA website:

This volume treats the apostle's explanation of the main theme of the epistle in his glorious paean to love in 1 Corinthians 13. Also included in this commentary is treatment of the doctrinal heart of the epistle—the apostle's instruction regarding the resurrection. The apostle grounds all of his instruction about the way of love in the gospel of the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

This second volume covers chapters 10-16 of 1 Corinthians.

Audio Recordings
Click to listen to the sermons on Lord's Day 3 in 2 parts by Rev Audred Spriensma

Humans Wonderfully Made
The Blessedness Of The Truth: The Fall Into Sin
Upcoming Events!
Good Friday Gospel Meeting - 19 April 2019
CERC Church Camp 2019

Some details of this year's church camp are as follows. More details will be announced closer to the date. 

Date: 10-13 June 2019
Venue: Pulai Spring Resort, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Theme: Holiness: "Walking in the Spirit" - Gal 5:16.
Speaker: Rev. A. den Hartog
Past Events...
Church Retreat

This year, our church retreat consisted of a speech by Prof Cammenga titled "Unity of the Spirit and the Bond of Peace" followed by prayer meeting and a time of fellowship over lunch. The speech follows our church's theme for 2019: Keeping the Unity of the Church from Ephesians 4:1-3 and can be found here..
Wedding of MIlton and Celina

This January, Milton and Celina were united in holy matrimony. We rejoice with them and pray the Lord's blessings upon their union!
Infant Baptism of Asher

We were blessed to witness the Infant Baptism of Asher, son of Lee Yang and Joanna! We rejoice with them, thanking God for adding to the church and praying for God's blessings upon them as they bring up their covenant child in the fear of the Lord. 

"And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee."
Genesis 17:7
Salt Shakers

Salt Shakers is a bi-monthly magazine published by the youth in Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church (CERC). Included in each issue are writings pertaining to bothReformed doctrine and practical theology. Contributors to Salt Shakers include our pastor, youth and members of CERC, and pastors and professors from the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. Salt Shakers also features articles from the Standard Bearer and other Reformed publications. Click here to access.

Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church
We are a Reformed Church that holds to the doctrines of the Reformation as they are expressed in the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism and the Canons of Dordt.

Lord's Day services on Sunday at 930 am & 2 pm ~ 11 Jalan Mesin, #04-00, Standard Industrial Building, Singapore 368813 ~ Pastor: Supply from PRCA  ~ www.cerc.org.sg 

Reformed News Asia - December 2018

Issue 52 - December 2018

We print pamphlets written by our members and those from other Reformed churches of like-minded faith. They include a wide range of topics from doctrines to church history and practical Christian living. These pamphlets serve to promote knowledge of the true God as expressed in the Reformed faith.
Christian Liberty
By Various Authors

"Christian liberty, therefore, is simply this, that we willingly walk in the narrow confines of God's commandments and find our happiness there."

"Thus our liberty means this: we MAY serve God, we have the right to serve Him. The living God banishes sinners out of His sight; He receives us as His children. We CAN serve God. We are 'restored in the likeness of Christ to be friend-servant in His house, using our gifts and talents to His glory. We WILL serve God. The psalmist sang, "'tis good to do His will." In the Dutch we used to sing, "Thy loving service has never yet wearied me." From all this follows the MUST. We may, and we also must. There is no conflict here. This “must” is as much the inner impelling of the Spirit as the outer command of God's law. The desire lives in our heart to serve the Lord our God, to hate sin, and to flee from it. This obligation we gladly assume."

This pamphlet talks about Christian Liberty in the church, in our lives, in practical living, in making decisions, etc. Read to find out more about the main principles of Christian liberty, how we can evaluate it and use it properly in our lives. 

Click hereto view our catalogue of pamphlets.

Click here to make an order.

All pamphlets are free. CERC reserves some discretion regarding large orders and/or orders from those outside Singapore.
Featured Book
For local orders (S'pore), please contact Ms Daisy Lim at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For international orders, click here.
by Martyn McGeown

From the RFPA website:

Christians want to know Christ from the Old Testament, from Micah, and the other minor prophets. And yet for many of us the minor prophets are like a sealed book. The inspired writing of the minor prophets are addressed to the people of God and addressed to us also in the New Testament church. As inspired scripture they indeed  speak of Christ: Micah does so extensively, and not only in the obvious reference to Bethlehem in chapter 5:2.

The prophet Micah proclaims the incomparable God of judgment and mercy. This God is our God, the God of all who believe in Jesus Christ. And this prophecy has vital lessons to teach us today.

Audio Recordings
Click to listen to the series of sermons by Rev Arie Den Hartog

Nicodemus' Visit With Jesus
Jesus'Gift Of Living Water (Jesus And The Samaritan Woman)
Jesus And The Young Rich Ruler
Jesus And The Syro-Phoenecian Woman
Jesus And Zaccheus
Upcoming Events!
Chinese New Year Visitation (9 Feb)
Past Events...
Reformation Day Conference 2018

On the 3rd of November 2018, CERC held its annual Reformation Day Conference under the theme "By Grace alone". Commemorating 400 years of the Canons of Dordt, we give thanks as we acknowledge the great work of God! We were privileged to have Rev Den Hartog who delivered 3 speeches and Rev Singh who spoke about the mission work in Kolkata. We were blessed by the talks and enjoyed the good fellowship with one another. May we continue to be zealous to contend and preserve the truth.
Rev Den Hartog delivering one of his speeches
Rev Emmanuel SIngh speaking on the mission work in Kolkata
Vacation Bible School 2018

From 11-13 Dec, CERC's Vacation Bible School was held under the theme of "Are you a Christ-like Giver?". The camp was held over 3 days with lessons, indoor games and an outdoor activity at the high elements at Forest Adventure. The lessons were focused on giving and we are grateful for the time of instruction and fellowship among the children. 
Lesson time
One of the many indoor games
Brave kids on the high element course!
Children visiting Aunty Sarah
Baptism & Confession of Faith 

We thank the Lord for blessing CERC with new members who joined through Confession of Faith and Baptism. We rejoice in the growth of the church and the profession of faith of these brothers and sisters in Christ.
Confession of Faith of Chin Yuh Bin, Annie Chin, Nichelle Wong and Eric Quek
Baptism of Joezer Chin
Baptism of Emily Chua
Trip to Philippines

Elder Leong and Deacon Lee made a trip to Philippines from 15-20 Dec in order to explore the possibility of a sister church relationship with the Protestant Reformed Churches in the Philippines (PRCP). We thank God for the warm welcome by the brethren from PRCP and the opportunity to confirm the confessions, distinctives, church orders and practices of both churches. May the Lord lead and direct the decision on establishing sister church relationship with one another. 
CKCKS Camp 2018

The annual CKCKS Camp was held on 19-22 Dec under the theme "Contentment as Covenant Youth", taken from 1 Timothy 6:6. We thank God for a spiritually refreshing time and good fellowship for our young people. May the Lord grant them contentment and strengthen their faith as they strive to live antithetical lives.  
Group shot of the campers!
One of the messages - workshop by Joshua Tan
Some of the fruitful discussions
Camp games including ping pong with the hands
Outing - Laser tag at a nearby park
Salt Shakers

Salt Shakers is a bi-monthly magazine published by the youth in Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church (CERC). Included in each issue are writings pertaining to bothReformed doctrine and practical theology. Contributors to Salt Shakers include our pastor, youth and members of CERC, and pastors and professors from the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. Salt Shakers also features articles from the Standard Bearer and other Reformed publications. Click here to access.

Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church
We are a Reformed Church that holds to the doctrines of the Reformation as they are expressed in the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism and the Canons of Dordt.

Lord's Day services on Sunday at 930 am & 2 pm ~ 11 Jalan Mesin, #04-00, Standard Industrial Building, Singapore 368813 ~ Pastor: Vacant  ~ www.cerc.org.sg 

New Salt Shakers Magazine - November 2018

"Covenant Keepers", the youth ministry of the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church of Singapore (our sister church), has now released the November 2018 issue of "Salt Shakers" (#52),their youth magazine.

The NOVEMBER 2018 issue of "SS" is once again filled with interesting and instructive articles, and our PRC young people especially are encouraged to make it part of their reading content.

Below you will find a note from the "SS" Committee introducing the contents of this issue and images of the cover and table of contents. The entire issue is also attached here in pdf form.

SS 50 Dec 2018

Beloved readers,

In God's providence, we have been brought through another year, one closer to the return of our Lord. What roads have we traveled and what choices have we made in the last twelve months?

Where shall the Lord lead us in the year to come? By God's grace we will do this or that, but hopefully reading Salt Shakers (and being edified therein) will be a high priority!

Our deep appreciation for all our writers' contributions and our utmost thanks to God for sustaining and sanctifying the work of wretched sinners. 
Inside the September issue:
Editorial: Choices Chua Lee Yang
Scripture's Covenant Youth (XIV): A Nameless Girl Prof. Herman Hanko
Love for God's People - Rev. Steven Key
Quit You Like Men (III) Woon Tian Loong
The Importance of Christian Education Rev. Joshua Engelsma
The Christian in the World (II) The Calling of a Covenant Mother - Dorcas Lee
Signs of Our Lord's Return: North Korean Relations Daniel Tang
Overtaken in a Fault Lim Yang Zhi
History of the PRCA's Missions in Foreign Fields - Rev. Daniel Kleyn
Fellowship with God (I): Grounded on Justification - Rev Nathan Langerak
The (Protestant Reformed) "Declaration of Principles" - Prof. David Engelsma
Book Review: Decisions, Decisions: How (and How Not) to Make Them - Chang Zhi Hui
Pro Rege,
Chua Lee Yang
On Behalf of the Salt Shakers Committee
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