April 12 – LD 15, Day 4: Condemned by Pontius Pilate

John 19:4 - “Pilate therefore went forth again, and saith unto them, Behold, I bring him forth to you, that ye may know that I find no fault in him.”

Even our children know that Jesus was condemned to death by Pontius Pilate even though Pilate admitted that Jesus was innocent. Pilate tried many ways to get out of having to sentence Jesus. At least seven times the judge declares Jesus innocent. But at the end of the process, out of fear of the Jews, Pilate confirmed the death sentence. There is no denying Pilate’s involvement or guilt, even though he tried to wash his hands of the wicked deed.

What does this have to do with the suffering of Jesus? This establishes not only the time frame of Jesus’ death - during the reign of Pontius Pilate, it demonstrates the hatred of the world for the Son of God. Throughout all generations Pilate, the chief officer of the Roman Empire, an Empire which prided itself on its pure justice, is known for injustice. God sent His Son into the world. The entire world condemned Him; the church world through the Sanhedrin and the world at large through Pilate.

But, in this too God’s hand was evident. The condemnation of Jesus is our acquittal! God used the judgment of Pilate to declare His death sentence on the One bearing our sins.

Although the wicked world hates Jesus and all who follow Him, one day all men must stand before the judgment seat of the living God. The Judge of all the earth will judge all men, angels, and devils with perfect judgment. He will free us from the judgment of guilt that we deserve. You who are ransomed in Jesus Christ are acquitted!

Last modified on 11 April 2015

Additional Info

  • Date: 12-April
Brummel, Allen

Rev. Allen J. Brummel (Wife: Crysta)

Ordained: November 1995


Edgerton, MN - 1995; South Holland, IL - 1998; Missionary in Sioux Falls, SD - 2007; Heritage, Sioux Falls, SD - May 2010; Calvary PRC, Hull, IA - May 2018

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