

Latest Covenant PRC, N.Ireland Newsletter - October 2015

CPRC NI buildingOur sister church in Northern Ireland, Covenant PRC, Ballymena, has just released her latest newsletter. In this October 2015 issue her pastor, Rev.Angus Stewart, reports on the latest activities inside and outside the congregation.

Updates are also provided on their witness in their community and country through their website, lectures, sermons, and printed materials.

Be sure to read this newsletter below to be better informed of what our "sister" and her pastor are doing in the British Isles. This newsletter is also attached here in pdf form (see below).

CPRCNI Newsletter Oct 2015 Page 1CPRCNI Newsletter Oct 2015 Page 2


Covenant Reformed News - October 2015

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Covenant Reformed News

October 2015  •  Volume XV, Issue 18

Only One Opportunity to Believe?

A reader in England asked about an interpretation of the Parable of the Sower (Matt. 13:3-9, 18-23) that he heard a while ago: Does this parable teach that everyone only has one opportunity to believe the gospel, namely, the first time they hear it?

First of all, it is worth pointing out that, if this view were correct, there would be no positive point in witnessing to or praying for anyone whom you know has already heard the gospel, once or more often, and not been converted. No one will ever be saved on their second or subsequent appearances in church and there is no hope to motivate anyone to invite them. Likewise, godly wives have no possibility of winning their unbelieving husbands to Christ after their first encounter with the Word of God (I Cor. 7:16; I Pet. 3:1), for their husbands’ first rejection of the Lord Jesus is tantamount to the unpardonable sin. Moreover, all who claim to be Christians but were not converted when they first heard the gospel (like myself, many readers of the News and various worthies in church history, such as Augustine) are not actually believers but only hypocrites!

One wonders what someone holding this strange interpretation of the Parable of the Sower would say about church discipline. Should the church also only give one opportunity for repentance to the professed believer who is erring? But this would contradict God’s unbreakable Word (John 10:35) in Matthew 18:15-18!

Beside drawing out the necessary implications of this novel view, the most simple and direct way of contradicting this teaching, that unbelief of the first presentation of the gospel that one hears seals one’s destruction, is to look at scriptural evidence to the contrary.

Are we to think that all the 3,000 people saved on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:41) had never heard the Word preached by Christ or His twelve disciples (Luke 9) or the seventy (Luke 10)? Likewise, is it really the case that the 5,000 men converted in Jerusalem, plus women, had not heard the gospel in the days of Christ’s prodigious public ministry or at Pentecost or through the apostles until the very day on which they believed (Acts 4:4)? Acts 6:7 states, “And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith.” Are we to conclude that all these people and priests in Jerusalem were ignorant of the gospel all the time before this?

Beside the mass conversions in Jerusalem in the early chapters of Acts, we can point to individuals. Did the penitent thief really only hear the gospel on the day of his crucifixion (Luke 23:39-43)? Are we to assume that ungodly Manasseh, king of Judah, was totally ignorant of the Word of God until the day of his repentance in Babylon (II Chron. 33:11-13)? Yet the Bible expressly mentions God’s Word coming to Manasseh and the people before this (II Chron. 33:10; cf. II Kings 21:10-15)!

Perhaps the most obvious instance of a person in Scripture that refutes this bizarre interpretation of the Parable of the Sower is Saul of Tarsus or Paul the apostle. He well knew the contents of the Old Testament and he heard deacon Stephen’s apologetic speech, for he watched over the discarded garments of those who stoned the martyr (Acts 7). Saul, an ardent Pharisee, would hardly have been ignorant of the teaching of Jesus of Nazareth or that of His disciples and, surely, he heard the gospel from the Christians he hauled away to prison (Acts 8:3). Yet he was only converted later on the Damascus Road (Acts 9).

Having said that various elect people in Scripture were not converted the first time they heard the Word, it is worth mentioning some in the Bible who believed when, it would appear, they were first exposed to the truth of the gospel, such as, Adam and Eve (Gen. 3), Naaman (II Kings 5), the woman at the well and other Samaritans (John 4), Sergius Paulus (Acts 13) and the Philippian jailor (Acts 16).

At least three lessons may be drawn from all this. The first concerns the interpretation of Christ’s parables. Do not press them into making points that are not their purpose. The Parable of the Sower is designed to show, among other things, that not all believe the preached gospel and that those who reject it do so for different worldly and carnal reasons. The imagery of sowing is not to be forced to the point of one sowing, for this is not stated either in the parable itself or its interpretation (Matt. 13:3-9, 18-23).

Second, let us admire the longsuffering of God to His elect. Paul, who had long heard and rejected the gospel of Jesus Christ, declared, “Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might shew forth all longsuffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting” (I Tim. 1:16). Despite all our terrible sins, both before (cf. I Tim. 1:13, 15) and after our conversion, the Triune God does not cast off and reject any of His eternally chosen and blood-bought people. Where would all of us be now, if it were not so?

Third, let us imitate God’s longsuffering, including His patience with us in our foolishness and disobedience, in our witness to, and intercessions for, those outside of Christ. We must “exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine” (II Tim. 4:2). “Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days” (Ecc. 11:1)! Rev. Angus Stewart

For a superb exposition of the Parable of the Sower and all Christ’s parables that illustrates how they are to be interpreted properly, read Prof. Hanko’s hardback, The Mysteries of the Kingdom (432 pp.), available from the CPRC Bookstore for £18 (plus £1.80 for UK P&P).

The Postponement of Shimei’s Punishment

A young lady from Colorado writes, “David previously spared Shimei’s life, though Shimei cursed him, because David knew that Shimei’s wickedness was in God’s hands (II Sam. 16). But, in I Kings 2:8-9, David later tells Solomon to bring Shimei down to the grave with blood. Is this God’s judgment on Shimei (through David) for his cursing David, for David tells Solomon not to hold Shimei guiltless? Is this simply David executing justice as king? Why is it that David now appears to uphold justice? Was it an admirable thing that he upheld justice in the end but was not defensive at first as he confessed God’s sovereignty in II Samuel 16?”

There can be no question about it that Shimei sinned dreadfully when he cursed David during the king’s flight from Absalom his son. The event is recorded in II Samuel 16:5-14. Abishai, one of David’s top generals, wanted to kill Shimei but David prevented him from doing that.

David’s belief in, and confession of, God’s absolute sovereignty over the sins of  wicked Shimei is amazing! “And the king said, What have I to do with you, ye sons of Zeruiah? so let him curse, because the Lord hath said unto him, Curse David. Who shall then say, Wherefore hast thou done so? And David said to Abishai, and to all his servants, Behold, my son, which came forth of my bowels, seeketh my life: how much more now may this Benjamite do it? let him alone, and let him curse; for the Lord hath bidden him. It may be that the Lord will look on mine affliction, and that the Lord will requite me good for his cursing this day” (II Sam. 16:10-12).

Shimei’s cursing of David was worthy of death because Shimei was one who believed that Saul and his sons should still have been on the throne of the nation. He did not believe, as God Himself had made clear, that God had deposed Saul and his sons for disobedience, and that David was the man of God’s choice.

Further, Shimei cursed God’s magistrate and thus violated a fundamental principle of God’s law, namely, that one has to honour and be in submission to those in authority over them, as the fifth commandment requires.

It is also quite possible that Shimei knew that David was in the line of Christ and was king as a type of Christ. After all, Jacob had already prophesied that Christ would come from the tribe of Judah (Gen. 49:10) and not from the tribe of Benjamin, from which tribe Saul came. It may very well be that Psalm 89 had already been written, in which psalm David is said to be the one whose son would build the temple of God and sit on the throne.

David humbled himself and endured Shimei’s cursing because he received his ignominious flight from Absalom as God’s chastening. God had told David, through Nathan the prophet, that the sword would never depart from his house after his sin of adultery and murder (II Sam. 12:9-10). Only God could remove His chastening hand from David.

II Samuel 19:18-23 tells us that upon David’s restoration to the throne, Shimei, fearful of his life, begged to be forgiven. Again, David promised not to execute him. The Bible does not tell us why but the reason may be that David did not want to mar with bloodshed that happy day when he was restored to the kingdom.

Whatever reasons David may have had, he left some matters undone and, on his death bed, he charged Solomon, his son and successor, to take care of them (I Kings 2:5-9). There were men who had committed grave sins and had never been punished for them.

Joab was executed for his murder of Abner, the general of Saul and Ishbosheth, and Amasa, the newly appointed general of David’s armies, and for his part in the conspiracy to put Adonijah, David’s fourth son (II Sam. 3:4), on the throne instead of Solomon (I Kings 2:28-34).

Adonijah, who conspired to make himself king instead of Solomon, was executed only after he asked permission to marry Abishag, a concubine of David (I Kings 2:13-25). Perhaps he was only killed then because Solomon interpreted his request as implying that Adonijah was going to mount a second attempt to gain the throne. It seems to have been a custom in those days that a successor to a king’s throne also took the concubines as his own (II Sam. 3:7-8; 16:21-22).

Abiathar also deserved to be executed, for he joined Adonijah in his conspiracy to become king, but was spared because, as a priest of God, he had served David well. Nevertheless, he was deposed from his office (I Kings 2:26-27).

Solomon initially spared Shimei from a deserved death but told him to stay within Jerusalem. When he disobeyed, he was executed. He showed by his disobedience that he had no more respect for Solomon than he did for David and that he was not truly sorry for his sin. Though he was initially spared by both David and Solomon, he brought upon himself just judgment when he showed he had not genuinely repented (I Kings 2:36-46).

When we were children, my father said that David spared Joab because David was afraid of Joab and that, towards the end of his life, David wrongly left the “dirty work” of meting out justice upon those who deserved it to Solomon because he knew Solomon was very wise and so would know how to handle these difficult matters. Moreover, my father reckoned that David no longer had the energy to shed more blood, something he had done all his earlier years as king. The reader may judge whether these comments are a fair analysis of the situation.    Prof. Herman Hanko

For more on Shimei, listen to or watch “Absalom and His Rebellion (II),” 9 sermons on II Samuel 15:24-18:33), available on the CPRC website and in an attractive box set on CD or DVD for £10 (inc. P&P in the UK) from the CPRC Bookstore.

Covenant Protestant Reformed Church
83 Clarence Street, Ballymena, BT43 5DR • Lord’s Day services at 11 am & 6 pm
Website: • Live broadcast:
Pastor: Angus Stewart, 7 Lislunnan Road, Kells, N. Ireland, BT42 3NR • (028) 25 891851  
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Reformation Lecture

"Jan Hus: His Martyrdom and Ecclesiology"

Speaker: Rev. Angus Stewart

Friday, 30 October
 7:30 PM

at Covenant Protestant Reformed Church
(83 Clarence Street, Ballymena, BT43 5DR)


Unable to come? This lecture will be streamed live

S. Wales Lecture

"Spiritual Gifts"

Speaker: Rev. M. McGeown

Thurs., 19 November
7:15 PM

at The Round Chapel
(274 Margam Rd., Port Talbot, SA13 2DB)

Looking for Gifts?

Check out the CPRC Bookstore for quality Reformed commentaries, devotionals, biographies, children's materials and more

The Seven Churches
in Asia

12 sermons on
Revelation 2-3 on CD or DVD
in an attractive box set

Nowhere in all Scripture does Christ Himself evaluate churches so penetratingly and succinctly as in Revelation 2-3: seven churches, one after the other, with their strengths and weaknesses, commendations and rebukes, promises and threats. What are the great issues in the church according to Jesus Christ? How does your church fare in His eyes? What are the lessons for congregations in the 21st century?

£12/box set (inc. P&P)

Listen free on-line or   
Post orders to: 
CPRC Bookstore,
c/o Mary Stewart,
7 Lislunnan Road, Kells, Ballymena, BT42 3NR

Make cheques payable to “Covenant Protestant Reformed Church.” Thank you!


Updates from Pittsburgh PR Fellowship - September 2015

Pittsburgh PRC group 2015Mandy Tolsma is the new "mission reporter" from Pittsburgh, PA. In her own words, "...It is my new job to send out information regarding the Pittsburgh Mission Field. I am going to send out monthly updates on what is going on in our Field and in our community so that we might encourage people to come visit the field!"

Mandy provides the following news update for September 2015 on the Pittsburgh PR Fellowship (also attached in pdf form):

  • We welcomed a new baby in our group. Pete and Megan Cnossen were blessed with a baby boy on September 2. David Alan was welcomed home by his parents and 2 sisters, Nelle and Clara, and his brother, Tyler.
  • We celebrated the Lord’s Supper on September 13. Rev. DenHartog and Elder Ed Reitsma and Deacons Mike Hanko and Jeff DeVries came as a delegation from Southwest PRC. The elders were here to oversee the administering of the Lords Supper and conduct Family Visitation. The Elders and Deacons met with our Steering Committee. This Delegation comes to Pittsburgh twice a year.
  • We welcomed many guests from our other Protestant Reformed Churches this month. They included:
  • Brad and Trisha Bruinsma and family visiting from Grandville PRC and staying for Labor Day weekend.
  • Becca Joostens, Sarah Joostens, and Laura DeVries from Grandville, PRC who stayed the weekend on their way to Washington, DC.
  • Max and Virginia Moore from our Loveland, CO congregation on their way to Virginia to see their daughter.
  • The first weekend in October we welcomed Dan and Anna Mae Bodbyl from Grandville, PRC and Al and Sam VanDyke from Trinity PRC who stayed the weekend before heading to Washington, D.C.
  • Mike and Helen Cnossen from Hudsonville, PRC were here October 4 to witness the baptism of their grandson, David Alan.
  • Steve Kuiper was the delegate from Southwest PRC who came to oversee the sacrament of baptism.
  • We rejoiced with Pete and Megan Cnossen and witnessed the baptism of their new baby boy on October 4.

Ordination Service of Rev.R. Barnhill, New Pastor of Peace PRC

RBarnhill Synod 2015 1On Friday evening October 9, 2015, Pastor-elect Ryan Barnhill (2015 PRC Seminary graduate) was ordained into the ministry of the Word and sacraments in the PRC and installed as pastor of Peace PRC (Lansing, IL), which had called him on July 27.

Prof.B. Gritters of the PRC Seminary led the service, preaching from Exodus 18:13-26 under the theme "Jethro's Ecclesiastical Wisdom."

Eight PRC ministers were present for the laying on of hands (see pictures below).

RBarnhill Ordination 1
The laying on of hands, part of the ordination ceremony of Rev.R. Barnhill.

RBarnhill Ordination 3

PRC ministers present for the ordination service. Back row (l-r): Prof.R.Dykstra, Rev.N.Langerak, Rev.D. Lee, Rev.R. Van Overloop. Front row: Rev.S.Houck, Prof.B. Gritters, Rev.R. Barnhill, Rev.J. Mahtani, Rev.G. Eriks.

After the service, a brief welcome program was held, with special numbers sung by the children and the choir (Picture below).

RBarhill Ordination 4

We rejoice with Peace PRC in God's provision of a new pastor to serve in her midst, and we rejoice together as a denomination in the ordination of this new servant of the Lord. May God richly bless Rev.Barnhill's labors in Peace PRC and beyond, granting him a faithful and fruiful ministry.


Rev.G. Eriks Receives Call to Serve as Second Missionary to the Philippines

gjeriks 2013At her congregation meeting on Monday evening, October 5, 2015, Doon PRC voted to extend a call to Rev. G. Eriks (Hudsonville, MI PRC) to serve as second missionary to the Philippines.

Currently, Rev. D.Kleyn and his wife Sharon are serving in that country.

May the Lord give clear direction to Rev.Eriks as he considers this weighty call. Let us remember him and his wife and family in prayer as he seeks to know the Lord's will.


Reformed News Asia - September 2015 (Issue 21)

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Issue 21 - September 2015

Daily Meditations - Oct 2015

“When the sixth commandment says to us, "Thou shalt not kill," that ought to wound us very deeply, because in its prohibition and negative form, the sixth commandment points its finger at our own corrupt hearts."

- Rev Steven Key, on Murder

This issue of Daily Meditations takes us through Lord's Days 40-44. May the Lord bless you in the reading of these devotions.
For hard copy orders of the Daily Meditations, please click here.
We print pamphlets written by our members and those from other Reformed churches of like-minded faith. They include a wide range of topics from doctrines to church history and practical Christian living. These pamphlets serve to promote knowledge of the true God as expressed in the Reformed faith.
FEATURED Pamphlet!
Click to download!
by Rev Angus Stewart

I Corinthians 7:20 Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called.

The text for this pamphlet is taken from I Cor 7:17-24. Here Paul exhorts the Corinthians to abide in their calling. What does that mean? Does it refer to the effectual call (grace) or the vocation (providence) that we are called to walk in? It refers to both!

This is a 4-part pamphlet series written by Rev Angus Stewart which takes a look at the effectual call through election (a work of grace), the vocation we are called to (employment and marriage state) and our contentment.

"Believe in God’s sovereign appointment for you and be content, for all things work together for your good.(Rom. 8:28)"

Click hereto view our catalogue of pamphlets.

Click here to make an order.

All pamphlets are free. CERC reserves some discretion regarding large orders and/or orders from those outside Singapore.
Audio Recordings

Jer 9:23, 24
"Thus saith the Lord, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches:But let him that glorieth glory in this..."

What do we glory in? Listen to the latest sermon in the series on Jeremiah!
Click here to access all our audio recordings.
Upcoming Events!
Bible Studies Workshop 2015
The last workshop will be held THIS SATURDAY,3rd Oct, 5.30pm in church. It will be on the role of the Cell Group Member. This workshop will be profitable for both leaders and members. As a member, we learn how to prepare and contribute to the BS. As a leader, we learn how to encourage our members to prepare and contribute.
Reformation Day Conference 2015
What is the “Forgotten Sola of the Reformation”? Join us for RDC 2015 on 9th (6.30pm) and 10th November (Deepavali public holiday) (10am) for more!

Theme : The Forgotten Sola of the Reformation: Solus Foedus
Speaker : Pastor Lanning

Meals will be provided on both days. Do send your enquiries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Youth Reformation Day Conference 2015
Why was the Christian Reformed Church formed? What were the things they stood
for? Why is it important for us to know? YRDC 2015 is the opportunity to learn more!

Date : 14 November (Saturday)
Theme : The Reformation of 1857
Speaker : Pastor Lanning
Time : 3pm
Dinner will be provided.
Covenant Keepers' Camp 2015

Theme : Hear What The Spirit Saith Unto The Churches
Speaker : Pastor Andy Lanning
Date : 16 - 19 December (Wed-Sat)
Fees : $15 (2 or more days); $7 (2 or more meals)
Registration is open till 4 October. Save the dates!

Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.
Memories from CKCKS Camp 2014...
Past Events...
CERC 28th Anniversary

We thank God for His preservation of CERC these 28 years, and His blessings upon our congregation!

Heidelberg Catechism LD 21
Q. 54. What believest thou concerning the “holy catholic church” of Christ?
A. That the Son of God, from the beginning to the end of the world, gathers,
defends, and preserves to Himself by His Spirit and Word, out of the whole human
race, a church chosen to everlasting life, agreeing in true faith; and that I am, and
for ever shall remain, a living member thereof.
Every celebration's must have -- CAKE!
Song presentation by a cell group
Cake cutting by session members, less one deacon


Visit our new CLM website to read the latest articles and access archives of the Daily Meditations. Click the picture to access.

Salt Shakers
Salt Shakers is a bi-monthly magazine published by the youth in CERC. Included in each issue are writings pertaining to both Reformed doctrine and practical theology. Articles are contributed by the Session, youth and members of CERC, as well as pastors and professors from the Protestant Reformed Churches in the USA and Northern Ireland. Salt Shakers also features articles from other Reformed publications, notably the Standard Bearer and Beacon Lights. Click here to access!

Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church
We are a Reformed Church that holds to the doctrines of the Reformation as they are expressed in the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism and the Canons of Dordt.

Lord’s Day services on Sunday at 930 am & 2 pm • 11 Jalan Mesin, #04-00, Standard Industrial Building, Singapore 368813 • Pastor: Rev Andy Lanning •


PRC Contact Committee Conference with BERG, Friday, Oct.2, 2015 - Providence PRC

Providence PRC 2015The Contact Committee of the PRC announces a conference with the BERG (Confessing Evangelical-Reformed), a small church in Giessen, Germany with whom we have had some contact for about 10 years.

At 7:00 PM THIS FRIDAY, October 2, 2015, in Providence PRC’s new sanctuary, we will have two speeches.

First, Dr. Jurgen Klautke will speak on the doctrine of the covenant as that is described, in the Gospel According to John, with the language “in Christ.”

klautke 222x220

Second, Prof. Ronald Cammenga will speak on Herman Bavinck’s doctrine of the call of the gospel.


The Contact Committee invites the membership of the PRC to attend this important conference.

To learn more about our contacts with this group, please see the 2015 Acts of Synod, pages 40ff and 118ff.


Reformed Witness Hour Messages for October 2015

WBruinsma 2First PRC of Grand Rapids, MI and the Reformed Witness Hour Committee announce the messages scheduled for October 2015 on the RWH radio program.

Rev. W.Bruinsma, missionary-pastor of the Pittsburgh (PA) PR Fellowship will be delivering a new series of messages on the book of Jude.

You are encouraged to take in these timely messages and to let others know about them too. Help spread the word about the Reformed Witness Hour!

Below is the schedule of messages, which you will also find attached in pdf form. For stations and time of broadcast, visit the RWH website, where you may also listen to and download past messages from the archive section.

Oct 2015 Flyer Page 1

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